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Mental Health Plan

Community Member

I've had depression and anxiety for some time.. It has effected my employment in the usual ways, usually making my employment history patchy.  Between my last and current job I had quite a long gap not working, with rejection after rejection I found myself at my lowest and saw a doctor about getting help.  Feeling useless and despondent and blaming myself for all of my problems, when I filled out the questionaire, I quite easily qualified for a mental health plan and found the subsequent 10 visits with a councillor very helpful, gaining some very useful insights and tools going forward, not the least of which was learning to self-analyze properly and honestly.

Recently, I had a panic attack at work.. I thought I had had them before, but this one was so extreme it made what came before seem slight. I was stood down from work pending an investigation into my welfare. Now, usually, this would have sent me spiralling into my usual blaming, despondancy, self loathing etc, but I've been working really hard on the way I look at things, and trying to stay positive.  This time, when I went to see a GP (a new one), when I filled out the questionaire, not being in a bummed out, self loathing place, my results did not qualify me for a Mental Health Plan.  I really want to see someone to talk about my panic attacks, which are fairly new, but can't afford to not be bulk billed.

Has anyone got any advice? I feel like I've shot myself in the foot by feeling positive, which seems paradoxical from a seeking help with my mental health perspective.



8 Replies 8

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi triptych

I have no answer. But I think how life can go so wrong for those that jump crutial hurdles in their lives , in your case becoming so positive.

I can only suggest you continue to be that new positive person no matter what but, you learn more how to "play the game".

In my life I've had to learn that absolute honesty doesn't mean you will benefit apart from your own lack of guilt and being proud. But life doesn't cater for 100% honest people because the majority of people know its unrealistic to be so.

My last job before retirement proved it. I lasted in it for 18 years. Had I not "played the game" I would have lasted around 3-4 years. You learn to bend the rules, follow what the majority do and be clever. I still got the results the companies I worked for wanted but I had to be less than real honest. Pity but that's how it is.

So I'm sorry for your predicament. Put it down to experience.

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi triptych. 

Sorry to hear about your doctor not giving you a mental health plan. 

I am just wondering if you can go back to your original dr and talk to them or even trying a different dr to get get a mental health plan.

if this does not work you can can check out neighbourhood/ community centres in your area. I know I found a place in my area that will do counselling sessions for $10 a session for unemployed and $25 a session for the employed. So I know that is always a back up for me. So it might be worth checking out. Also I am just wondering what is your workplace doing about this you maybe also entitled to workers comp who will pays for psych sessions for you.

sorry I could not be any more help take care 


Thanks for the reply White Knight,

I know what you mean about "playing the game" and I do try to do that where I can see benefit for myself outweighing any moral objections.

 In this case though, it was a tricky one.. On one hand, professionally I needed to be "well" enough to to get a clearance from Doc to return to work, but on the other hand, I personally need to be "unwell" enough to get the MHP.

A sticky one indeed. Indeed, life does love to throw curly ones at you... I'm taking this as a challenge to my positivity being presented to me on a platter, a test of my newly aquired coping mechanisms, if you will.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Triptych

Congratulations on your progress. It's fantastic that you feel so much better. A bit of a blow about the panic attacks as they can be quite devastating. I hope the work investigation has turned up some positive outcomes. Do you feel your employer is OK with mental illness in any form? It is extremely reassuring if your employer is prepared to support you. I hope you will let us know the outcome.

This latest panic attack in some ways is a bit bit of a kick in the rear end, but also a vindication of your hard work. Can you contact your previous councilor and ask if they bulk bill? If you can explain your circumstances it may be possible. I only suggest this as you obviously felt comfortable with this councilor.

There are other alternatives. Relationships Australia has a counselling service. Some categories of counselling are free. However, the paid counselling does not cost much as I understand it. Certainly worth a phone call to check. Also contact Lifeline as they offer counselling services. Salvation Army also has a counselling service.

Did you discuss this with your GP? Did he/she offer any suggestions? It may be that there is a local counselling service that does not charge, or only charges a small amount that you could access. Usually GPs know about options like this.

Put free counselling services into your search engine. There are a few out there. Try free counseling services and add the name of your city or town. It's surprising what turns up. There are also online services but I have no idea how useful these are. Perhaps others on this forum could comment on this. Just be careful that the service is reputable and the counselors are qualified.

I hope you will let us know if this is helpful.


Thanks Sparkles, I'll look into a couple of those options.. I'm in a fairly expensive area though, so theres not much in the way of community support.

With the work, workcover, EAP and what they can offer me, I need to be really careful for now. My welfare is being "investigated" ie. they are deciding whether it is viable for me to continue.   I've gotta be real careful that they see me as the overall "well" person that I am.

On the other hand, This panic attack thing is hanging over my head..  Never want to experience that again, and want to go to the mental health "hardware store" to get "materials and tools" to "build a bridge"

Thankyou for the kind words and ideas White Rose.. Will give that a try, for sure.

I work in a high stress job, which, I know, isn't ideal, but 99% of the time I manage fine.  The issue I believe is there are some toxic elements in the workplace, bullying behaviours a large cause of the attack, which, from a positive viewpoint, I hope they are looking into as part of the investigation, which is still ongoing. I'm having a meeting on Thursday, but I'm in the dark untill then.

Part of me knows that this is a best case scenario, and that they may go for a far easier option.. But thats the negative part of me.. I'm trying to not listen to him until I have to. (but I'm getting my ducks in a row anyhow)

Rather than sitting at home worrying, I'm still working on myself, and am going to begin MoodGym.  I'd prefer to do CBT with a professional,  but I've done OK by myself so far.

On that score, I didn't actually feel that comfortble with my last councillor, he kind of just sat there.  my anxiety didn't like silence hanging between us so I just talked and talked and talked, basically analyzing myself as I went. Maybe that's his style. I guess it worked for me. I didn't know at the time that I could change councillors so I just made the most of it.  I wouldn't see him again... I basically talked myself out by the 8th or 9th session, when he talked, it was rather general advice like exercise and stay positive, write things down, which I'd already either learned independently or figured out on my own. 

Hi Triptych 

i am just wondering if you have heard of mindspot?

it is an online free cbt program I did lat year where you have a qualified psych call  you up once a week to see how you are going.... I was just thinking of that as they have a section on how to cope during a panic attack...

good luck with getting the help u need.



Thanks sparkles,  I hadn't heard of that one.. It sounds like moodgym, but with the added benefit of a professional checking in on my progress.  nice one! much obliged!