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Losing faith in the Mental Health system

Community Member

After a series of unfortunate life events, I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression. In the last 8 months I have tired every avenue available to me in an attempt to counter this dibilitating health issue.

Tried various types of medications, including serveral anti-depressants, all of which have just given me more problems to contend with than I had to start with. Don't even get me started on all the horrible side effects of anti-dep meds.

I have Seen and worked with countless doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, CAT teams, HITH teams, plus my local GP.

Most of these people say the same things - Meditation, breathing/counting exercises, distraction techniques, listen to rainforest music etc which I'm sure are a great help to some however to me and others at the height of a full blown anxiety/panic attack or episode in which you feel as though you are dying, I can tell you they are useless.

I have stopped taking all medication now ( safely ) as I feel after taking it for 8 months and to be feeling worse, I don't think it's doing what the doc's are saying it should be. My latest doctor took me off her books without letting me know ( I found out when I called the reception to make an appointment ) and I am now unable to speak with her. Kind of a slap in the face actually, especially to someone who is so actively trying to fix my health. I'm sure because I refused anymore medication she felt she couldn't help me.

I really feel as though there isn't enough known about these serious mental health issues and how to fix them. I am aware meds can take some time to fully work however I think 8 months is plenty of waiting.

Everyone says you need to have patience, you won't be like this forever, or its just a bad patch, but for someone with serious mental health issues RIGHT NOW to know there is no answer or helpful advice RIGHT NOW is a terrible terrible feeling.

I really have lost faith in the system and in my doctors. I feel as though what I am expressing is falling on deaf ears and unless I continue with medication they cannot help me. (Even though meds haven't helped me at all )

Surely I cannot be the only person feeling this way.

5 Replies 5

Community Member

Hi scarlett

i just want you to know that I've read your thread and will answer properly at some point tomorrow, I'm just a bit tierd right now. Your not alone.

thinking of you


Community Member
Hi Scarlet, I'm new as well, pleased to meet you. Your not alone I agree 100% and it feels absolutely horrible. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemies it truly is torture. If you feel worse in your medications I believe they are not the right ones for you, I'm 34 and doctors have messed with ssri and anti deps in my life since a teen. In my experiences some of them do make you wprse and I know there's certain ones I can't take because it's just outright dangerous or simply not such a good idea mood wise and so on. I'm onto the best 2 yet but this is for me and what works for me may not work for you. I have a pretty good doctor who cares and in my life that makes all the difference also. I'm on a few more medications also but I just hate taking them. I have to sympathise with your anxiety it is a nasty feeling and I'm not sure what to offer there because I myself am good to cope one day and the next I'm an absolute mess with not one coping skill actually helping. I found the music and excersises I was given didn't really help much I had to occupy my mind somehow keep it busy but relaxed its a tough one. I'm not sure I'm best to help but I just came to reply for myself and I seen your comment, I just wanted to give you a reply to let you know as horrible as it feels your not alone in your feelings and experience, I'm sure it's different for all of us but I can try and imagine how your feeling to some extent and try and offer some kind words. If I can be of any help at all or just occupy a bit of your time so your not focused on the attacks and the likes I'm more then happy to 🙂 chin up buddy as hard as that can be to do and as cold as it can sound sometimes it's all we can do to pick ourselves up and keep going.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello ScarlettMay, I do understand your frustration and thoughts that you've lost faith in the mental health system, I'm sure you're not alone here, because if we are prescribed medication we think that what ever we need it for, it will disappear, however there are a vast number of illness's that do require constant and persistent medical care.
I had tried many different types of AD's which I had to stop for reasons that don't need to be explained, but started on a new one, it took months for this AD to take effect, but could never understand why my doctor/psychologist kept on telling to stick with it, and as there were no side-effects I thought why not.
I wanted it to begin working, but I wasn't ready for it to begin, because I was still doing everything I had been doing for months/years so nothing was going to happen, that's when I turned a full circle and started to do other things that I never would have thought of doing, it was completely the opposite, and once my mind was happy about doing this then the AD's started to do their job.
In other words you can't try and keep going jumping up and down in the one spot, turn yourself around and head in the other direction, by experiencing new avenues is not what you have done before. Geoff.

Community Member
I hear you Scarlett, I am going through the same thing. Just posted it today. I just don't know what else to do anymore.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi everyone ,

Having spent years seeing counsellors,psychs,psychiatrists,specialists to try to manage my anxiety and depression and cope withocd and an eating disorder since the age of 16 I have always remained optomistic and willing to please hoping I would receive some beneficial outcome . Yet now having tried to study tried to study after completing 2 degrees in cultural studies and Education and recently studying counceling,mental hea lth and social work diplomas and trying to teach over the years relieving when I was not able to manage full time workI now focus o trying to focus on mental health advovcacy through SANE and Mifwa wellness Programs promoting mental health issues. Having recently experienced severe challenges I fing the whole mental health topic reallyy need to be change to improve cosumer wellbeing. Medical staff still lack human empathy in hospital,knowledge to mange individuals with mental illness. THe legal system which I have been invoved in has no protection for ones right i you are a victim of threats and discrimination and have a mental illness and I know I felt significantly inferior when a malicious neighbour used my condition as a means of calling the police under false allegations Once confident ,I wrote so much to promote mental health yet now I have lost confidence apart from services in MIFWA sane ,beyond blue I would be struggling .Haaving a mental illness is achallenge trying countless meds, the side effects and emotional rollercoaster that goes withthis all. I can only sugggest topersevere and find things in life that bring you comfort even if it is a fleeting ,moment hold on to this moment and continue to grow ...