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Life expectancy

Community Member

I've read that life expectancy for some mental health issues can be 9 to 17 years less than the average person.

Is this correct?

15 Replies 15

Thanks Mary

My mum did everything right and was just unlucky. Her first breast cancer 8 years ago she had just had her mammogram at Breast Screen which can back all clear. 5 weeks later she felt a small lump in her breast. Scan and biopsy confirmed it was cancer! They believe it was there at the time of the mammogram but sometimes they are missed with the various angles and breast tissue.

She had mastectomy, lymph nodes removed, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and tablets to stop recurrence.

A few months ago she had abdominal pain, a month in an out of hospital.. Surgery to investigate found tumour in her abdomen..

When it spreads outside of the breast it is advanced or metastatic-breast-cancer or otherwise known stage IV. There is no cure. She is on weekly chemo at present to try to shrink it as it's inoperable and there are other cells about the place.

So if you've had it twice, I assume it was confined to the breast and local rather than a distant metastatic site.. Which has no chance of survival.

The whole situation saddens me so much. I just can't get my head around how someone so vigilant with everything medically can be one of the unlucky ones.

Mia yep it's certainly part of it but apparently only a small part of it.. The other conditions mentioned are more to blame.. Apparently.

Possum, I am so sorry about your mum, must be very difficult for you. My thoughts are with you and I'm here to listen if you need to vent. You also have the 2 young children, you have a lot on your plate.

I'm glad you decided to eat more healthy and exercise more, it will help you to cope better. Good on you

Take care, hugs from Sola

Community Member
Hi all...

The original question about life expectancy and mental health. This is such a broad topic that I don’t really know where to begin. However I will give 2 examples and then broaden out a little...

If we focus on individual mental health issues, the research is not always clear , with notable exceptions .For example , there is a higher than normal death and disability rate in sufferers of Anorexia Nervosa.

If you look at the broad view of the impact of mental health stress on the body , the best research is probably the  Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study). Google it! It is really a great study which followed a large group for a long time and really looked at lots of factors that affect health and social wellbeing.

The gist of the findings are that "maltreatment and household dysfunction in childhood contribute to health problems decades later. These include chronic diseases—such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes”.

I would extrapolate to say that maltreatment and household dysfunction often cause mental health problems that then cause dysfunctional coping strategies that then contribute to illness .

So indirectly, I think the answer is probably that yes, some ( but not all!) mental health issues can cause a decrease in life expectancy .

Please look up the ACE study to get a better account as to what the literature says on this. 

Thanks be or this Dr Kim!

I will look into this ACE study!

Community Member

Thanks Dr Kim

i fit the category of childhood maltreatment..... I basically f....d up my life and now at 53 I have not much hope, but I keep going and I try to do the right thing... I need to be alive for a bit longer

hugs from sola