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Anyone gone without taking their anti depressants for 3 days or more??? i need help :'(

Community Member
Well i thought i had more tablets of my anti depressant than i had and went one day without it which wasnt so bad. I found a script at home but didnt look at the date and took it to the chemist yesterday to get it filled, it was my second day without it. The pharmicist said it was out of date and i looked at it and was right and i said i was going through withdrawl and really needed them and couldnt find a more recent prescription. They said they couldnt give me any and later in the arvo up until now i have had a bad migraine on one side of my head and i feel really light headed, neuseas and depressed. I have recently found the more recent script today and am going to get it filled today and start taking it this arvo. The problem is i still have a lot of cleaning to do and i have a house inspection tomorrow morning and am really struggling to clean or do anything :'( I wanted to know how long will it take for me to feel better when i start taking the tablets again. I really hope my landlord understands. Ive done a lot already but still need to do more to make it acceptable. Im really struggling and im snapping at my 4 year old daughter easily, I go from crying to anger really quickly. I desperately need help!
10 Replies 10

Community Member

Hi Chloekat,

I've been in this situation before, but my Mum would usually go into overdrive mode and get me the tablets in the nick of time! Being a Mum of a 4 year old means that you have more responsibility, and keeping up with prescriptions can be tough. I hope you've had your script filled now, and if not, ASAP. The low mood and nausea are what I experienced when I accidentally skipped my antidepressant dose one day. I started taking the meds again the next day, and my anxiety/side effects from withdrawal were gone within a few days. If you're concerned about the side effects, definitely ring a doctor (GP), or at least talk to a knowledgeable pharmacist.

Do you have any family or friends who could lend a hand with the cleaning? Even though asking for help can be uncomfortable, you need and deserve help right now.

Let me know how everything goes 🙂

Best wishes,


Just Sara
Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Chloe; (Shout-out to Zeal too!)

Obviously going cold turkey from med's will always cause discomfort, so it's important to take them at the same time everyday. What I do to avoid such problems with scripts, is leave them at the pharmacy on file.

When I go in to fill a new script, they go thru the dates and leave the most recent so the they're always up-to-date.

I agree with Zeal too; I hope you have support from neighbours or family to get the house in order.

Hugs to you and your little one...

Hope this helps...Sara x

Community Member

Hi Zeal,

Thank you for your quick reply. My dad is meant to be here any minute now to take me to the chemist to get my script filled. I also asked him if he could help me a little with a few things before the inspection tomorrow. Ive just taken a nurefen plus as my head is so bad. Im doing little things at a time so i dont make myself sicker but im still really nervous for tomorrow and want it to be over and done with. Problem is my dad is fairly old, in his early 70's and cant do much himself and because he is old fashioned he does judge me on how i keep my house and if its not spotless he cant keep his mouth shut and this really depresses me and i dont think he realizes how much this upsets me. I have told him but he still cant help himself. Im going to give him a call now as hes late so hopefully he here soon and i can get my tabs as quick as possible.

Hi Sara,

I have got this service and they tell me when they are due but i often get texts from them when i havent finished the pack yet so its a bit all over the place and they dont hold onto the script they just give me reminders so i still need to provide evidence of the script to get the medication. I wish they could hang onto it but i guess different pharmacy's follow different rules.

Ok...I'm with you.

So change pharmacy's and either have them on file, or buy a plastic 'blister pack'. It contains daily med's flip-open sections for breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bed so you don't forget the day or time.

Some pharmacies offer this service for free or a small charge, and give you one months supply at a time. Some even deliver on schedule prior to your last day.

Shop around until you find someone who's right for your needs.

Happy cleaning! 🙂


Community Member

You're very welcome, and thanks for your reply too Chloekat!

I hope your Dad is there with you now. It's a shame that he comments on the order of your house. Some people struggle to change their ways, and this can be especially true of members of the older generation (though people of any age can be this way too of course).

Sara's medication tips are helpful. The blister packs are good. I used to have little pill boxes in my teens which worked well. My grandparents use the blister packs and find this helpful. As Sara said, some pharmacies provide them for customers free of charge.

I hope you can get enough things sorted in time. What do you think you'll do as a reward for yourself later this week when things are less hectic (or as something to relax)?

Best wishes,


Community Member

Hey zeal and Sara,

Thank you for the advice. Well my dad came at 3pm to take me to the shops. He knew i was struggling and i tried to be as quick as i could be. I was waiting for like seemed forever and my head was throbbing and i was struggling to hold back the tears as i wanted to go home and take my medication. I finally saw him in the shops doing what felt like a huge shop!! He had a go at me cos apparently i said i was gonna meet him in the shops but as i saw him talking to someone i just waited out the front. Well apparently he was waiting for me so we yelled at each other and i felt like he didnt care about me at all :'( I cried the whole way home as hes going on saying hes not gonna this again and bloody women etc. I asked him b4 he picked me up if he could help with some cleaning and he said yes but when i asked him when he dropped me off he said he didnt say that and no one helped him with his. I feel hurt and alone and cant stop crying!! My neighbour is looking after my daughter atm but i cant even think about cleaning atm. He made me feel ungrateful and now i feel like shit! I just dont know what to do now :'(

Community Member

Hi Chloekat,

I'm sorry to hear about the situation with your Dad. It sounds like he has a short temper at the moment and is taking his frustration out on you. I'm glad you have a lovely neighbour who can care for your daughter. Have you talked to your landlord about the situation you are currently in? Maybe a compromise can be made.

Best wishes,


Community Member

hi Zeal,

I have already talked to the landlord a couple weeks ago because i was meant to have my inspection then but was sick so got an extension until tomorrow so cant ask for another 😞 I just have to do my best and hope she understands if everything isnt completely up to scratch