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Bio Balance??

Community Member


Am wondering if anyone has any experience with the treatment program Bio Balance??

It has been recomended to me by my Aunty who used to work as an advocate for mental health patients. She knows of my recent experience at the hospital so suggested this as an option if i am reluctant to see another psychiatrist.

Any info or opinions would be appreciated

7 Replies 7

Community Member

My psychiatrist sent me for a whole heap of tests to see if this would be helpful for me. I think it depends on what causes your depression. It's all very confusing for me. He sent me for a lot of tests that cost a few hundred dollars but they aren't going to be back for weeks.


Community Member
Hi, I was tested and treated by a GP trained by BioBalance. To say I had good results would be an understatement. Not everyone has as good results as I did, but most in the support group I'm involved with report some kind of improvement. It can be expensive, as this treatment is unconventional and is not covered by Medicare, but in my case at least it is well worth it even if it is ongoing. I wish you the same results.

Community Member


I've suffered from depression andPTSD for years and have tried anti depressants and ECT . Last October I relapsed despite being on anti depressants which were meant to inhibit this and prevent more ECT, which works for me but which I'd prefer not to continue to rely on. My GP has been using the bio balance approach for several years as have other Drs in the area. He did a full blood screen and from there prescribed a combination of vitamins and minerals, along with Sam e . Progress was slow but steady and 3 weeks I turned the corner and am much much better. It took 3-4 months. This can vary, some people respond more quickly depending on exactly what is going on with you, previous health etc. I am now weaning myself off the antidepressants I have been on for over 10 yrs . You just need to check the website and find a dr trained in this method . Am happy to answer any questions if I can.

Community Member

Hi ,

I'm delighted with my result as well. Yes it can cost a bit but I am more than happy to continue with this therapy and avoid hospitalization and drug side effects I've had to cope with for over a decade.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Anna, I've just stumbled across Bio Balance. I don't have a doctor in my town that does it so will have to travel. Which doc did you see?

Hi Breezybum, welcome to the forums.  We are unable to provide recommendations for health professionals here on the forums.  Please have a look through our professional directory links if you're looking for someone:


Community Member
Hi All, 

I feel a bit uncomfortable making any definitive statements about the value of Bio Balance in the treatment of mental health disorders as don’t know anything specifically about this programme . I know that some people are going to feel really defensive about a programme that is working for them whether or not there is  reputable medical evidence to back it up or not. 
Many people come to doctors and ask about things they have read on the internet and want an opinion as to “whether it works” or whether its true” . The thing is, we can only validate things that have been shown to be effective in controlled trials in respected journals .

So often times, we have to shrug our shoulders and say “well , so and so treatment or product may very well be working for you ( or your partner , or brother or friend) and thats great , but there is no evidence to suggest either way whether it will work for anybody else. Thus spending money on it is a gamble . Sometimes , people even risk their health on such things which is even more concerning. 
One trap though is not to be caught up with the idea that it is “proven and published" or “used by doctors”  as there are so many places that research can be published and not all of it is peer reviewed and as scrupulous as the next .

Secondly, just because a doctor is involved doesn’t mean it is necessarily safe or proven to work . There are doctors who may bend their ideals a little in order to make money and just as with accountants or lawyers or builders , we need to be aware there are “good guys" and "bad guys" out there .

Staying within the realm of using treatments proven and published in reputable journals decreases the risk considerably of failing prey to the ‘"bad guys” .