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Just started on medication for depression

Community Member

I'm new here, hi everyone!

I don't have many people to talk to about this so I thought I'd try posting here. I 30, have been suffering with depression and anxiety for years and have avoided medication like the plague. Recently things have got worse - I've been unemployed, I'm constantly getting angry at people, and I've had chronic back pain for a year - I feel about 100 years old, like I'm completely over life. I've been vaguely getting into writing and I've had some articles published (for money!) but I am struggling to get motivated to do more.

As I can't really see a future for myself, I decided asked my GP to prescribe an antidepressant. I've been on medication for three days so far and I haven't really felt any side effects. I was feeling a bit spaced out and tired to begin with but that's about it. I did actually feel myself concentrating better at work yesterday and feeling that some of my anxiety had lifted.

I am hoping the medication also improves my back pain as I'm convinced it's connected to my mental state. I am very hopeful that this medication will help me. Just wanted to put this out there as I haven't been able to tell friends or family that I am on this medication - I'm hopeful and also a bit scared.

3 Replies 3

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hey Keurium,

Welcome welcome welcome. It's nice to meet you and I'm so glad you've come to share your story on the forums. I'm sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time though 😞 I think it's great that you have tried something new - and who knows - maybe after some time on the forums talking about how you're feeling you may feel more confident talking to your friends and family.

Ive been on a number of anti depressants in the past. Im pretty sure the community rules state that we aren't allowed to talk about specific drug names so I will leave them out (maybe you could remove yours too?) but overall I would report minimal side effects of the anti depressants I've used. I never seemed to get any of the symptoms that were written on the information that came with the packets. It took me a while to find the right medication though, so maybe those others ones just weren't working for me at all!

I think the other thing that helped me a lot with my depression and anxiety were good self care strategies. I like to exercise (although not great for you with your sore back) and read when I'm feeling mentally unwell. What sort of things do you do?

Sounds like you have had some great success with your articles. Well done! Maybe things you read on the forums will help you to think of things in a new light and will inspire some more writing? You never know...

Good to meet you and will hopefully see you around the forums more in the future.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
Hi Keurium, firstly congratulations on talking to your GP and starting medication. It sounds like you really know what you need for yourself, and I want you to know there is absolutely no shame in going on medication, talking to your GP, talking to a psychologist etc - in fact you are extremely responsible and amazing for doing so. Congratulations on the articles too! I would love to read them if possible, I love writing as well and there's nothing better than getting paid to do something you love. If the medication doesn't work for you please go back to your GP, sometimes it takes a bit of trial and error to find the right one for you. Also keep in mind that sometimes they take a few weeks to kick in so if you don't have immediate relief don't worry. I think you would be surprised how little people will judge you for medication, SO many people take it and there is no shame in it at all. You sound like you're so aware of your mental health state and what you need to do, I really think you've got this. You're not alone, you're loved, you're going to be okay.

Community Member

Good for you for recognising you needed medication. Sometimes you just have to do this to get better. My daughter took me to my physchiatrist a week ago as I was clinically depressed..and didnt recognise if. It must be hard not having someone to trust enough to talk too about this. Some people get what depression is and some still live in the dark ages about it. All my family know including the husband but now I think he may have some sort of depression worrying about me. Like you I have come on here. Good luck and it does take about three weeks for AD to kick in.