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I need advice and I am getting frustrated.

Community Member


I am getting increasingly frustrated with my GP and Psychologist and after the other posts in the forums I am not sure that I am getting the right help but I don't know where else to go for help.

I am primarily concerned about the following:

With my Psychologist:-

      I don't feel like I can tell her everything I am thinking and feeling; I don't feel like she knows a lot about Anxiety; She hasn't discussed with me any kind of treatment plan for my Anxiety, even after 6 sessions with her; her main advice for me is to read books about anxiety.

With my GP:- I feel like she can't be bothered with me.

       She keeps telling me there is nothing else she can do for me (I now have issues taking medication, even Panadol, after a bad reaction to the first antidepressant she prescribed); after having a panic attack and not eating for over a week I went to see her and while I was crying in her room she proceeded to tell me that I was alone in the world, that no one can help me, that my parents were too supportive and that's why I am suffering like this now and that I wanted to feel this way; she has done no medical tests to rule out other causes for my symptoms and keeps telling me that my chest pain etc. is from my anxiety.

This is making me feel frustrated and like I will never feel like I did before. Most of the advice I read says go talk to your GP or see a Psychologist so I don't know what else to do. Surely if I feel like this they aren't really helping me, but when I have raised these concerns with others they keep asking if it is just part of the anxiety and that I don't open up to people easily. Any advice on what I should do would be appreciated. 

Thanks, Dear Alex.

4 Replies 4

Community Member

Dear Alex

 i would be looking at getting a new GP, one that will listen to how u r feeling and your concerns I suggest the same with ur psychologist, ur GP sounds to me that she is just in her profession for the money not the enjoyment of helping people get/stay healthy.

Have a look on here under the find a professional to see suggestions in people who will be able to help over come ur anxiety and get healthy and loving life again.


Hope this helps and please if you need to chat keep doing so.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Dear Alex

Hello and welcome to Beyond Blue. It's really disgusting that a doctor cannot or will not take time to talk about your difficulties and fears. You are quite right in that we often suggest to people their first stop is their own GP. In this instance I suggest your next step is a new GP. If you scroll to the end of the page, under Get Support there is a title, Find a Professional. Clicking on this will take you to a list of GPs with experience in mental health issues. The list is searchable by postcode.

If one of these GPs is not near enough to you then ask around your neighbourhood or friends to see who they consult. Most GPs are good at their jobs and as Macka has commented, are keen to help people get well.

You should be feeling fairly comfortable with the psychologist after about three sessions. If not, find another. People do not always 'click', not because there is anything wrong with either of them but because because they just don't click.

Reading about anxiety can be helpful. Having no guidance at all is simply neglect. Once you have seen a new GP you can ask to be referred to another psychologist.Are you on a mental health plan? But whether or not you are you can ask the new GP to write another plan. If your six sessions with the psychologist have been part of the plan you will only have four free sessions left for the year. Please discuss this with the new GP and be sure you understand it all.

There are many people who find it hard to open up to a new acquaintance, especially one that comes with a mental health label. I suggest you spend some time writing down all your concerns, feelings, questions, fears etc. When you go to the GP either read this to him/her or ask the GP to read it. I think this will remove some of the anxiety in talking and will give the GP somewhere to start.

You could just copy and print your post as you have written the essentials of your frustration. It's certainly a good start for the doctor.

Also explore the BB site and read the information about anxiety. It's good to be as informed as possible. Another suggestion is to phone the BB helpline on 1300 22 4636. It's available 24/7 and the folk who talk to you have heaps of experience. They may be able to give you some more in-depth advice.

Please let us know how you are going.



Community Member

Thank you Macka90 and White Rose/Mary. Having my feelings validated and knowing that there are others out there makes me feel a lot better.

I tried the 'Find a professional' link that you both recommended but nothing came up for a new GP and only one psychologist. I should note that I live in a country town and I have found that getting support is very difficult, even if you are willing and able to travel.  I have already found that the BB website has been a great source of information and help. Having some ideas and guidelines of what I should expect is really helpful and something that I have been unable to get from my GP or psychologist.

I will ring my GP clinic tomorrow and ask to see a different GP, there is one other GP there that I feel comfortable with but she only works two days a week and is very difficult to get into. I saw her about a month ago because my normal GP was on holidays and she actually gave me information on Anxiety and the number to the Mental Health Access Line. Hopefully she will know of a different psychologist as well and I won't have to wait too long to get in to see her.


Thank you again, really, I didn't think that this would make me feel any better but the difference is surprising. Thank you.

You are most welcome Dear Alex.

Don't forget you can post on here as much as you like, we are all here to help each other.