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I have a Centrelink Job Capacity Assessment for DSP on Tuesday

Community Member

I’m nervous as anything. They told me I don’t need to provide any further evidence that they seem to think I have provided enough.

I know at the job capacity assessment they can decide I either don’t have the capacity, I do have the capacity or I’m referred to a psychologist for further assessment. I guess I’m just wondering what they ask you over an hour?

any experiences would be very much appreciated

Annette x

5 Replies 5

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi, welcome

You haven't mentioned your illness but I suppose it isn't that relevant. Some illnesses like bipolar can be more likely to be approved than others for example.

Questions asked of me 6 years ago centred around my previous professions, my capabilities to hold down work - be reliable, punctual and devoted/focused and so on. In my case they decided that I could not return to work in any capacity.

I'm guessing age could be a factor. If you are young then being on the DSP for the rest of your life is a tough ask of the Government but that's an opinion, it might not be a factor at all.

To be frank I don't think you will benefit by worrying. The evidence they have is what they will judge your work capacity yon, not much judgement will come from your input on the day.

All the best and google this- Beyondblue topic worry worry worry.



Thank you for your reply,

my diagnosis is BPD Anxiety and Major Depression

I was medically retired in January from a federal government job of 20 years.

Im 50 years old.

I think I am most worried they won’t understand when I tell them why I can’t work when I’m in control at that moment.

Yep I am one of those worriers.


Hi Guest

You've got clear history of not being able to work from an employer retiring you.

All employers need some basics from an employee like reliability, consistency etc. Our illnesses can erode into that capacity as we are unpredictable.

Try to relax. The following thread shows you techniques on how to do that. Let us know how you went but a decision wont be immediate.

Beyondblue topic anxiety, how I eliminated it

Beyondblue topic he helped me for 25 years- Maharaji


My application is still going through.

my job capacity assessor agreed that I met the required point in the Centrelink table to be eligible for DSP.

Apparently they can now approve my claim or refer me to another psych for their assessment.

Feels like this never ends.

My anxiety is through the roof.

I’m having extremely unhelpful thoughts 24/7.

I’m checking the Centrelink app umpteen times a day to see if they have made a decision.

It will be 4 months tomorrow since my application was lodged and I know many have probably waited longer, but I’m losing my shit! I just want it finalised.


your case sounds similar to mine and I just wanted to reach out to see how you went? 
I am booked in for a Job capacity assessment and suffer from severe anxiety major depression and PTSD. 
I am really nervous, stressed and anxious about about upcoming appointment.