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How long did it for medication to work for you

Community Member

Just wanting to see how long it took to notice a change once starting medication? 

I'm only at day six but I feel like I'm getting worse. All I want to do is sleep because I don't want to be in "reality" the anxiety hasn't died down. I feel like my heart is about to jump out of my chest, its so bad it hurts. I feel like my whole body is shaking and having "tick" like sensations. I must add this was all here before starting medication.

Ive been prescribed two different medications is anyone able to give feed back?


Prescribed for helo in treatment for PTSD


25 Replies 25

Community Member


I have always found that medication makes a huge difference for me. It does take a few weeks to kick in but is worth the wait. I don't think I could function as well as I do without it. I (very foolishly) took myself off medication once as I thought I was doing really well and could manage without. It didn't last that long before I was back at the doctor. Never again! That's when I realised how much I needed it to maintain a healthy mental wellbeing. I have had some very different psychologists over the years. Some have been fantastic, some have been judgemental and not very helpful. You need to keep trying different ones until u find a good fit. It is disappointing and frustrating though when you try a new one and you know after one session their not the one for u.

Hope things improve for you. Not good to hear about your job 😕 U r destined for something better!! When one door closes an even better one opens!!! 


Hi lh

I went to the meeting this morning, even though he turned up an hour late. He still stood with his position and believes he has not done the wrong thing.

after I left there I went and saw the lawyer and he thinks I should go for unfair dismissal due to discrimination. 

 I decided to go fix up my résumé and dropped it into a customers who owns a cafe. He rang me twenty minutes later and is making a position for me there. So in all the bad some good has come out. 

 I hope you are well, and your father also


Regards, rw


Thanks for sharing your experience with medication. I feel as mine are starting to make a difference now. Although when I wake up in the morning I'm still having what I call the "jitters" 

My current boss did not change his position. But I have been lucky enough to find a new job. Hopefully I'm on the right track now.

 Regards rw

Hi rw,

​I cannot tell you how pleased I am that your situation has worked out so positively. I was thinking of you yesterday morning, hoping it would all go well for you. In fact, it's turned out so much better - you don't have to deal with that unpleasant person and you have a new job! Well done you!

It must be a huge relief. Now you're no longer distressed about work, you will be able to focus on therapy.

Great news.


Hi lh

Thank you. I am really hoping it will work out and I have some smooth sailing for a while. I'm glad to not working for the other company anymore especially when they refer to mental health as "personal issues". He really did not understand its an illness.

Hope you are well


Regards rw

Dear rw,

​I'm so glad the employment situation worked out so very well for you. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a turnaround for you in other areas as well.

I really hope the new year is a good one for you.

Best wishes
