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Hospitalisation - risks, benefits, thoughts?

Community Member
Hey guys,
I'm in a pretty dark place right now (I won't go into detail because I don't want to trigger anybody), and I think I need to be hospitalised. I've never been hospitalised before though, and I really don't know how any of this works.
My reason for believing I'd benefit from going to a hospital is that I just don't feel safe at the moment, and I don't want to be at risk of anything.
I'm just wondering if anybody can tell me what it's like? I know they take away most things you could try to bring in, but I'm really scared I'll get bored or freak out if I don't have a distraction tool. I wouldn't bring my phone in obviously, but are we allowed books or TV? I know it's bad but I just have so much trouble being left with my own thoughts, and being in a safe external environment doesn't really discredit how distressing my thoughts can be.
How would going to hospital affect my schoolwork? I'm sitting an accelerated HSC assessment in October, for one thing, as well as I've got all my other Y11 assessments coming up soon. I have a mentor figure who took a mental health break in Y11 and says she's still missing a lot of core content for her subjects, and that it negatively affected her HSC. I really don't want to miss out on my dreams or whatever just because I'm finding things overwhelming right now.
I'm also worried about the risks of COVID-19 in hospitals. I have a very immuno-compromised family member who I fear would be unable to visit me if I was in hospital, because the risk of contagion would be higher there (as that's where sick people are).
If I decide to go to hospital, how much would I need to say? Will it cost my family money?
Thank you so much 🙂
5 Replies 5

Hi KazooRights,

We're so sorry to hear how much you're struggling right now but we're grateful you have felt brave enough to share this with us here today. The forums are a safe and non-judgmental place for users to give and receive support based on their own mental health journeys. We want you to know we're here to provide you with as much support, advice and understanding as you need.

Our support service is trying to reach you by email as we are worried about you.

You might also like to reach out to KidsHelpline for free, anonymous counselling via phone on or webchat via. They're available all day every day.

Please check in here and let us know how you're getting on whenever you feel up to it.

Community Member

Hi there KazooRights

It is great to see you posting on the forum to find out some of the options available to you. I am sorry to hear you are in dark place at the moment. I wonder if you have anyone with you that you can talk with tonight about what you going through?

Generally, an admission to a hospital setting is facilitated by a health practitioner. I wonder if you are involved with some support at the moment that has suggested going to hospital? Or if this is something you personally have thought of as an option to get help? I just wanted to reassure you that there are many many other services and steps available to support you outside of the hospital.

If you haven't already, checking in with a GP, psychologist, school counsellor or other health professional would be a really important step. Another service that is available is called headspace. You can find out if there is one near you by going to this site. https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/ 

Contacting the Kids Help Line can really be of benefit as well as Sophie M has mentioned as they are available 24/7.

Falling behind in school sounds like a big worry for you. It can be hard to prioritise what's the most important thing to focus on but when your health is not well or stress is high, it can make everything harder. If you focus on your health and healing as a priority, then optimistically school will become more manageable.

I wonder if it would help to talk more about the 'dark place' you are referring to? The forum is a safe and supportive place if you felt writing more about your experience is helpful.

You are not alone. We are listening.

Sending you strength,

Nurse Jenn

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi KazooRights

Sophie_M and Nurse Jenn have provided accurate and caring advice above

If you want to post more of your feelings there are many gentle people that can be here for you!

Our friends at kidshelpline are super caring and non judgemental 24/7 on 1800 55 1800

kidshelpline also have email counselling available between 8am - 10pm daily (if making a call is difficult)



you are not alone KazooRights


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
hi there...

Totally understand your concerns...I hope some people can answer for you their experiences of being in hospital. It can be a little confusing so i'm glad you've got some good advice from the mental health practitioners in here. No shame in asking, I'm much older than you and still find the process very confusing of getting admitted into hospital. I hope you get some good info here and sorry you're strugglng at the moment!

Community Member
Hey mate. To anwer your question. Mental healh wards are ok. You can watch tv its generally a group
One, books are fine to bring or they have somr there
Its geneally a 5-7 day admission. No money needed