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GP's and Anti-Depressants Important Info
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Hi Everyone! New Posters are very welcome to share your experiences with a GP too!
I had an appointment yesterday with my GP. He is aware of what I do on the Beyond Blue forums. I asked him about anti depressants and how he treats his patients with depression/ anxiety and why some GP's dont prescribe meds. This is what I learned yesterday from one doctor.
- He has always had an interest in depression and anxiety and prescribes AD's where the symptoms fit the criteria to do so
- He will refer to a psychiatrist if a patient shows symptoms of a more 'complex' mental illness and not prescribe meds himself
- Some GP's have little interest in 'getting involved' with depression and will refer to a psychiatrist with little if any discussion
- He isnt 'pro meds' or 'anti-meds' He treats depression as a serious illness with meds to improve his patients health & well being
- He mentioned that a pro-active GP can know more about AD's than some psychiatrists as GP's have more frequent patient contact
It did surprise me that some GP's have little or no interest in treating depression. I hope these GP's are in the minority.
I am interested to know any good or not so good experiences other people have had with a GP. I posted this thread originally so any people with untreated depression/anxiety have a better understanding of how experiences with a GP can be positive step towards recovery.
All your thoughts are most welcome
Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread
Kind thoughts
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Hey Shred
Happy New Year to you 🙂
Im sorry that I missed your post. I am usually on the ball
You have been on the forums for a long time and its great that you are still a part of the forum family!
Your thoughts and friendship are wonderful to receive and thankyou Shred
I know that New Years Eve probably wasnt a big deal to you which is the same as most of the posters too
Maybe I should see your psychologist too Shred as my emotions are also 'scattered' as well. Just out of respect to you I am on my 21st year of a low dose anti depressant. I have always been anti-meds but just for me the meds were a better alternative than losing my home..my career...my peace of mind...etc etc..
Even after starting the SSRI's my sleep was always a pain in the rump. Night sweats...cold sweats...night terrors....occasional nightmares....grinding my teeth. I put up with it for about 5 years (with a good therapist) until I took my GP's advice and started the smallest dose of an anti anxiety med that gave me the deep sleep I was missing. Just for me it worked Shred...except for the 13 years I was refusing to take any meds at all
I was working all through that period and I woke up bright and refreshed...and still do.
I have always envied you with stopping the meds too as deep down I dont like taking them. Just in my case I have had no alternative
You are spot on as usual saying " we are here and trying our darndest to work through it all" I hear and understand that for sure Shred.....Its a rocky road....even on the meds! The potholes get frustrating though but I guess its not our call
I hope we can have some peace in 2018 Shred. Excuse I for having a ramble....oops
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Hi blondguy and all
Almost the end of January.We made it - another month!. Am looking at things in measured doses like days, weeks and months. Still struggling with scattered thoughts some days and a sleep pattern that is difficult to manage.But I am here and that's the main thing.
Had a fair push of anxiety over several circumstances that I have landed in and just found I had to remove myself from these situations to calm down. Not pleasant at all. Almost verged on panic attack in one of them but I made it.
Off on a break in two and a half weeks and I do hope it helps. Very, very tired these days and the heat of summer is really knocking me around.
Still on a low dose tricyclic antid and I think it works to an extent but couldn't face my psychiatrist again just before Christmas. Maybe will catch up with him late February.
Happy Aussie Day folks!
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A packet of antidepressants have been sitting in the drawer for a couple of weeks. I'm not sure what's better- my anxiety without medication, or medication. I'm more anti medication but there have been some good reviews but more bad ones. Im just sitting on the fence here. I'll read more of this thread. Thankyou Paul for starting it.
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Hello everyone....Readers and new posters are more than welcome to have their say 🙂
Hi Shred.....thankyou heaps for hanging in there and being a part of the forum family. I have always been a fan of your strength Shred. You have overcome some seriously difficult obstacles and you still keep going! Im in my 50's Shred and tried everything I could not to take meds for 15 years...except when I nearly lost my career...house....girlfriend etc etc. Thats what changed my mind I guess...(just for my chronic anxiety)
Kudos to you Shred. I am similar to yourself...even with my lose dose SSRI this humidity in Melbourne has knocked me around big time with my mindset. Its serious hard work to keep a 747 flying through the severe 'thunderstorm' of anxiety or depression for sure.
Maybe I am fortunate Shred, but when my AD's falter I have a GP with a genuine interest in mental health that I can see who gives me huge support whether its about dosage or any problems with my depression.
Happy Australia Day to YOU too Shred. Its always great to see you 🙂
My Best always
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Hi Monkey!
Great to see you 🙂 Thanks heaps for posting.....Meds are a difficult area as I was always against them as well
Everyone is different of course but just for me I couldnt do anymore than 15 years trying to use natural remedies that never worked
Fence sitter or not its great to have your take on GP's and how they can help us more than people know
I hope today is good to you MM 🙂
My Kind thoughts
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Hi all
I had a break and returned from a trip yesterday. The trip was good, lifted my spirits but I am back here again. Thinking today about how I can change things because I have fallen straight back to where I was before. Still on low dose tricyclic but feel this isn't really working the best. Sleep still evades me..Will keep trying but wish there was something better in my life and I wish I knew what that something is..
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Hi Shred!
Good to see you 🙂
Its a major pain when this rollercoaster of depression starts back up again with us at the bottom of it.
Just out of respect so you know some more about my background......My sleep was shocking from 1983 to 1997 until I let my GP do her job. They started me on a small dosage of an SSRI which reduced my anxiety by approx 90% within 2 days. (Everyone is different of course subject to their own situation)
Many months later my poor quality sleep was still leaving me weak for the next day at work and thus also left the door open for low level anxiety/depression too. My GP prescribed me the smallest dose of a benzo possible and then my sleep was wonderful and waking up refreshed. My job performance and quality of life improved significantly 🙂
I understand that meds arent for everyone. Just mentioning that with my poor quality of sleep it was a bonus
Thanks Shred for being a part of the Beyond Blue forum family too
I hope you have some peace sooner than later
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Hi blondguy
I have had to come off all SSRIs due to toxicity and therefore also benzos. It's been one hell of a ride. We are having to increase my pain meds due to severe pain and it is a constant struggle to get a decent sleep with just low dose tricyclic and now adding in a fairly strong pain reliever - man I just wish sometimes it would all go away. So want to feel like I can give a full day at work, love life and be my best.
Back to my psychologist this week - it's been too long ...but due to various things have had to change appointments which has driven me even more nuts!
Hanging on just sucks the energy out of you...
Thanks for being there folks.
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Hey Shred...I really hope you are still around and my apologies for not picking up that you have posted 😞 If I may belatedly ask you how your pain is going? Im sorry for the months without a reply Shred.
My kind thoughts always
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My experience with GP's...
I have moved home more than 40 times in less than 40 years. Every time I moved I had to see a new doctor. When I was well enough to be working I still couldnt afford to see a regular doctor and would see whoever was on call at the bulk billing clinic. Every time I had to see a new doctor my anxiety got worse. After finally having a home in the same place for more than 2 years, I committed myself to seeing the same doctor for at least 12 months. His commitment to my recovery i was appalling and I spiralled out of control. I tried a few other doctors with the same patronising condescending attitude before I ended up at the local MH Clinic where I the advice I was given was - keep seeing as many doctors as you can until you find one you like. As if the first 20 or so doctors where just practice. Then, every doctor I went to I told I wont take any more antidepressants, and the first thing they suggest is that I try taking antidepressants. I have had at least one doctor refuse to see me because I made the mistake of telling them I have BPD. Now, I have no confidence in the so called "medical professionals" and would rather die than see another doctor pretending to do his job.