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GP's and Anti-Depressants Important Info
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Hi Everyone! New Posters are very welcome to share your experiences with a GP too!
I had an appointment yesterday with my GP. He is aware of what I do on the Beyond Blue forums. I asked him about anti depressants and how he treats his patients with depression/ anxiety and why some GP's dont prescribe meds. This is what I learned yesterday from one doctor.
- He has always had an interest in depression and anxiety and prescribes AD's where the symptoms fit the criteria to do so
- He will refer to a psychiatrist if a patient shows symptoms of a more 'complex' mental illness and not prescribe meds himself
- Some GP's have little interest in 'getting involved' with depression and will refer to a psychiatrist with little if any discussion
- He isnt 'pro meds' or 'anti-meds' He treats depression as a serious illness with meds to improve his patients health & well being
- He mentioned that a pro-active GP can know more about AD's than some psychiatrists as GP's have more frequent patient contact
It did surprise me that some GP's have little or no interest in treating depression. I hope these GP's are in the minority.
I am interested to know any good or not so good experiences other people have had with a GP. I posted this thread originally so any people with untreated depression/anxiety have a better understanding of how experiences with a GP can be positive step towards recovery.
All your thoughts are most welcome
Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread
Kind thoughts
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Shred, love how you have recognised that you are vulnerable - that is huge. It is often that people fail to receognise this and then relapse or have their symptoms accelerate. Nicely done. Make sure that self care is as good as you can get it considering what you have going on.
Yes finding that balance between overloading and getting enough done is a really fine line but I feel you are getting such a good hold of where you are at, at any time of the day, you will recognise if you need to withdraw a little to protect yourself.
Time is ticking by pretty quickly so hopefully before you know it, the series of GA's will be behind you.
Take care mate
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Thanks blondguy
"The mountain between us" is a movie about two people in a plane crash who have to find their way back to civilization. Kind of a pun for us with anxiety and depression for me! LOL!
Things are crazy busy but I have organised some time out with good friends in a couple of weeks for a few days. I am overloaded but, that's where I am just now and where work is for the next couple of months. At least I acknowledge it and have done something to address it.
As for my sleep, still a bit hit and miss but better on a very low dose of a tricyclic antid.
I guess I am still trying!
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Thanks MarkJT...
Pretty flat out but have arranged a few days away with friends in a couple of weeks. I feel okay but have had to go back on a low dose tricyclic antid to combat the sleep issue.
Watch this space...
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Shred, major major accomplishment recognising that you are overloaded and have taken steps to take care of yourself.
Cannot specify how big that is. Your self care is on point and bloody awesome to hear.
You are so on the right plane here. Brilliant!!
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Thanks MarkJT
There has been a major restructure at work so even more pressure now. Glad I booked those few days away! Really feeling the exhaustion - and when you have lives in your hands it's harder.
Catching up with my GP tomorrow...
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Hi Shred
You are a legend after what you have been through where perseverance is is concerned.
At the risk of confusing some readers and using an old baseball term.....'you have knocked it out of the park!'
I am ex corporate and have had to be resilient but you really have a seriously strong attitude where determination and resilience is concerned Shred.
You also have peoples lives in your work responsibility as well...That is pure dedication let alone being able to handle your own health/vocation at the same time
You are also catching up with your GP too in the middle of a major restructure as well....
I wish I had even some of your strength Shred...seriously..
My kindest....and thankyou for your inspirational posts too...legend...
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Hi Paul
I don't believe I am a legend at all. Had a mixed visit with my GP today. Broke down in tears again (I lost a friend to cancer recently).Still embarrassed by this, but my GP takes it all in their stride and we manage each time to formulate a plan. Talked again about "work life balance" and about an aim of mine which I shall share at a later date. I am so blessed to have an understanding, non judgmental GP. We also got a specific blood test organised for food allergies which may help overall.
The low dose of tricyclic antid is ok but maybe not quite enough...Plan B is to double the low dose if needed within the next seven days = it wpuld still be a low dose compared to normal.Seems I will never be able to live without antid's of some sort. But hey, two attempts to get off antid's altogether isn't too bad I guess...
Soooo looking forward to getting away to one of my peaceful places in a fortnight...just need clean air!!
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Shred, sorry to hear about your friend - hard times indeed when this happens. Although validating your feelings, personally i don't think you should feel embarrassed about shedding some tears. That is perfectly normal and human to do.
It is important that you recognise just how far you have come though mate. Your journey has been a successful one as far as i am concerned, yes there is still some work to do but if I take my own experience for example, I know i have recovered well but at the same time still have a tonne of work to do. I never used to self recognise how far i have come but when i look back, yep i'm smiling.
Looking forward to hearing about your aim that you will talk about later at some stage.
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Hi Shred, New posters.....and thankyou MarkJT too
I understand you dont feel like a legend and thats fair enough. I was referring to your high level of persistence in building yourself a strong foundation to enable a better recovery.
Im very sorry about the loss of your friend....I hope his family are doing the best they can Shred.
Bursting into tears in front of a GP or counselor does feel embarrassing as it did for you on Friday even for the first few times.
It took me 13 years to do the same and yes...I was embarrassed and felt awful as well. What I didnt understand in my 30's was that the crying was a cleanser for my soul and my mental health = Recovery!
I hope you are doing reasonably okay Shred
and yes I still cry now if I am carrying too much brain baggage
My Kindest for you Shred
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Hey all
Off on a three night break tomorrow and boy do I need it. Want to feel the fresh mountain air in my lungs again...can't wait. Need to get the balance back in my life (work and life)..
Hope everyone is okay - I have had an extremely tough time at work...so the planned break is going to be sooo worth it...
Catch you later...