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GP's and Anti-Depressants Important Info
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Hi Everyone! New Posters are very welcome to share your experiences with a GP too!
I had an appointment yesterday with my GP. He is aware of what I do on the Beyond Blue forums. I asked him about anti depressants and how he treats his patients with depression/ anxiety and why some GP's dont prescribe meds. This is what I learned yesterday from one doctor.
- He has always had an interest in depression and anxiety and prescribes AD's where the symptoms fit the criteria to do so
- He will refer to a psychiatrist if a patient shows symptoms of a more 'complex' mental illness and not prescribe meds himself
- Some GP's have little interest in 'getting involved' with depression and will refer to a psychiatrist with little if any discussion
- He isnt 'pro meds' or 'anti-meds' He treats depression as a serious illness with meds to improve his patients health & well being
- He mentioned that a pro-active GP can know more about AD's than some psychiatrists as GP's have more frequent patient contact
It did surprise me that some GP's have little or no interest in treating depression. I hope these GP's are in the minority.
I am interested to know any good or not so good experiences other people have had with a GP. I posted this thread originally so any people with untreated depression/anxiety have a better understanding of how experiences with a GP can be positive step towards recovery.
All your thoughts are most welcome
Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread
Kind thoughts
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Shred, you self care and awareness of yourself is on point.
The way that you have written that last post is like exactly how you are thinking. Telling yourself to be patient, having the plan B and recognising that you are to tired to care about it.
Going great guns you are!
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Cheers all
Still moving along in my recovery and quite exhausted by everything. Four days down without antids - so here we go folks. Good thing work is crazy busy....
Just wish I could sleep...
Back up plan is in place...
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Nice1 Shred.....legend....I wish I had your strength to do the same..
The sleep is a good point as it can be hard to get.....I used to wake up super early...at 1am and every hour after...it was like 'boing!' I have friends that still wake up many times a night....Its a major pain for sure
Work being crazy busy is a huge bonus Shred. I started my AD's as my anxiety was bad news.....I have always been anti meds too..
Just of topic of thats okay...are you are a footy or Bathurst fan?
I love the way you have a plan B Shred...
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Nicely done Shred.
A day at a time mate, day at a time and if need be break it down to hour by hour.
You are meant to be exhausted by all of this, especially with being busy at work.
Keep working mate, keep working.
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Hey all
Well that didn't last long....9 days off antid's and the anxiety is mega. But have literally just taken a small dose of a tricyclic to see if we can break the poor sleep pattern, really need to try and get a hold on it...Saw my psychiatrist today...
I was also reminded today though that I have had three general anaesthetics in four months and that knocks you around like...whoa.....
Time and patience...slowly, slowly
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Shred, don't over try to get a good night sleep. The harder you try to go to sleep, the less likely it will happen.
By all means do the things that you need to do but be peaceful about it. Get pissed off with it (which is so super easy to do) and the brain activates. Be peaceful with it and the brain will hopefully be peaceful and shut down for the night.
Trust the process mate - you have in the past and it has worked. Get that self care up high and lean on us if need be.
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Hi everybody
Hey Shred...I saw a psychologist (one of many) and i asked him a question...
I said " How do you treat someone with insomnia?"
My psychologist replied " thats easy....I just say.....'stay awake when you go to bed'....my patients never can "
I just read MarkJT's post and it reminded me of what my therapist said to me years ago...
3 Generals in 4 months? Thats hard yards Shred.
you are strong.....very strong....
My kindest as always
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Hey Mark JT
Thanks for that I am endeavouring not to overtry but I also need to function...a difficult balance.
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Hey blondguy -
Lol with what the psychologist said...
The general anaesthetics have really knocked me around, and, combined with my sleep pattern, I am feeling very vulnerable right now. Trying to increase my exercise but have to also do that very slowly given all the surgery I have had....
I got my fix of seeing snow yesterday when I went to the movies with a friend and saw "The Mountain between Us". Now that's a profound statement.Sometimes I feel like each day is a mountain and yet somehow I get to the top.But, just like the movie, getting down is also the hardest bit so you can move on...
Still working on it...
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Hey Shred
Thanks for reading not to mention being here too 🙂
(I know that my psychologist my be so very wrong but he made a good point about 'trying to stay awake' to get to sleep lol)
'The Mountain between us' Can you give any more info on that movie? When my system is flagging I also feel like every day is a mountain...and thats hard work with a 'tired' mind.
I find everyday a challenge especially after a dose of serious stress....especially family stress. It seems to knock me around a lot
You have had a few GA's in a row and I would be beside myself. Since a general anesthetic physically shuts our brain off I not only remember but feel what that was like......and its not something I look forward to again Shred
Shred mentioned "Still working on it" .......I am doing exactly the same for similar triggers
My best for you Shred. I hope you have a reasonably good day tomorrow