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GP's and Anti-Depressants Important Info
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Hi Everyone! New Posters are very welcome to share your experiences with a GP too!
I had an appointment yesterday with my GP. He is aware of what I do on the Beyond Blue forums. I asked him about anti depressants and how he treats his patients with depression/ anxiety and why some GP's dont prescribe meds. This is what I learned yesterday from one doctor.
- He has always had an interest in depression and anxiety and prescribes AD's where the symptoms fit the criteria to do so
- He will refer to a psychiatrist if a patient shows symptoms of a more 'complex' mental illness and not prescribe meds himself
- Some GP's have little interest in 'getting involved' with depression and will refer to a psychiatrist with little if any discussion
- He isnt 'pro meds' or 'anti-meds' He treats depression as a serious illness with meds to improve his patients health & well being
- He mentioned that a pro-active GP can know more about AD's than some psychiatrists as GP's have more frequent patient contact
It did surprise me that some GP's have little or no interest in treating depression. I hope these GP's are in the minority.
I am interested to know any good or not so good experiences other people have had with a GP. I posted this thread originally so any people with untreated depression/anxiety have a better understanding of how experiences with a GP can be positive step towards recovery.
All your thoughts are most welcome
Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread
Kind thoughts
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I have learned (the hard way) that my brain juice can be depleted as a result of even small amounts of adrenaline to 'soldier on' and my exhaustion the next day was a result of coping and controlling the day prior.
I really hope that made some sense 🙂 and thanks MarkJT for the brain juice reference too!
My Best as always
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I think we have all learned the hard way that depletion of brain juice can occur very rapidly so you are not the lone ranger there!!!
Catch 22 isn't it - get triggered, use brain juice to calm down which leaves you mentally exhausted but you need the energy to get through the day and to stop jumping under the covers to push the world away but you don't have the juice to do it!! Soooooo much fun!!...not.
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Spot on MarkJT.....Like a dog chasing its tail..
Interesting....I just heard a GP on 3AW mention that people have been preached to about having a low fat diet for so long....The doctor then mentioned.....'We need the protein that come with fat which has natural Tryptophan in it which our stomach then turns into Serotonin.....thus Depression being a biochemical based illness which can be triggered by low Serotonin levels"
Simply put...A diet high in protein includes Tryptophan which the body needs to produce Serotonin which is our natural mood regulator.....
'Food' for thought.....pardon the pun
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Paul, as we know there are good fats and bad fats as well as good (natural) sugars and bad (processed) sugars. To little or to much less of each can, and often does, cause poor health so no, this does not surprise me whatsoever.
It would be an interesting study to have a decent read of....but i cant read more than a paragraph without losing concentration so would need it explained!!
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I hear you loud and clear where paragraphs are concerned. My ability to read more than a paragraph is very challenged as my 'brain juice' is busy in the 'coping' department 🙂
I wrote the thread above when the doctor was on the air...He did mention that the increase in depression over the last 30 to 40 years correlates with the 'experts' saying that fats were bad news (years ago) He did touch on some Dairy foods...not the obvious bad trans fats that we shouldn't eat.
All I do know is that our Serotonin is produced in our 'gut'. Just some background on that interview fyi.... The doc also mentioned that "SSRI's should only be a last resort where long term clinical depression has been diagnosed by at least 2 health professionals'
My mum just turned 87 and drinks nearly a liter of milk a day. Loves her yogurt and thickened cream....and dont get me started on her cheese intake bless her heart! A pack of 40 cigarettes a day (for 70 years) and her lung function test is normal. Mum has never had the flu or a cold either.....
Boy this is confusing! I really like what that resident doctor said on air today though. I was only repeating what he said (as fast I could type that is)
Thanks Mark (the JT kind) 🙂
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Paul, interesting that you mention "gut". A lot of research that confirms that your gut health has quite a substantial effect on your mental health.
When you start to break it all down, the body is such a complex system, a hugely complex system and everything needs to be working in good shape for us to be physically and mentally healthy.
I am actually not overly surprised that we get crook, injured and get mental health conditions!!
Geez your mum is a survivor!
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Hey all
Home after three nights in hospital and some surgery. Just sore and we hopefully have addressed the problem. On the way home and the family member started straight back on the same old same old I just tried hard to hold it together but couldn't. Straight back into the self centred person that they are. I had to be on extra guard due to lack of sleep from three nights in hospital!. Really is so difficult to protect yourself when you are low on resources like energy! Oh yeah and no one has ever been as sick as they have or work as hard as they do etc etc...my ass! I am finding it so difficult to tolerate this family member. I just want to move forward for me...
Well, after dropping me home, they left and I had a nana nap for an hour and a half.So necessary!
How can you switch off from a negative person who is a very close family person? Such a challenge!
On another note, just six more days of antids and then off again...A day at a time huh!
Sorry if this is a bit scatty folks!
Early night for me I guess!
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Hi guys
MarkJT...Thanks for your take on Serotonin and the gut. I am not a fan of Dr Google but have learned from my own doctors that serotonin is produced in the 'gut'. I dont know how my mum does it but she really is a wiz..:-)
Hey Shred.....I have a certified 'expert' in my family too. They have 'been there and know all there is to know' I really feel your pain as I have a family member with issues that keeps telling me that 'I should be back at work and not on Beyond Blue as I wouldnt be able to help a chicken cross the road'....I am 57 and find that so amusing
I dont blame you for a moment finding it difficult to tolerate your family member. Not to mention just after surgery as well! It is a monumental challenge to protect ourselves when our resources are lacking. They just dont have a clue where we stand and that we may be somewhat fragile. I understand you Shred.
I really hope your recent surgery has given you some peace of mind where your recovery is concerned. You deserve not only a decent recovery but some peace of mind too
You are a serious legend where the AD's are concerned. You dont have an issue with persistence...thats for sure....six days to go.....I dont really see any issues with your strength on that one Shred....seriously
Your posts are never scatty in any way Shred. I envy your strength more than you know. Just re your family member who is being a pain. Do they live with you? That would be a huge challenge! I live with my dog and have my 'outspoken' sibling a few klms away. I still get told that I am doing everything wrong.....such a pain....
My kindest as always Shred/MarkJT
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Cheers blondguy
Am flat out recovering and also doing a few hours daily at work (I know ...I should be resting but...)
My family member is a klm away and seriously drives me round the twist. They will never address their own anxiety problems (which are major) and continue to berate me and everything I do. They are over here regularly for various reasons....
Focus is difficult right now as a result of it all. Tomorrow is my last day at attempt no. 2 of getting off SSRIs for good. Too tired to be concerned right now, but I envisage I will have to pace myself and try to be patient with myself...I see my GP tomorrow anyhow and we will discuss it. We have a back up plan in place...so...here we go...
Will keep in touch
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Hi Shred
A few hours a day of work is a smart move and keeps the brain happy too 🙂
My relative is about a klm away too! They can sometimes be counter productive to our health. I hear you there
The last day of the SSRI's 🙂 You also have a plan B as well....not to mention having your great GP too!
My best for you Shred