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GP's and Anti-Depressants Important Info
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Hi Everyone! New Posters are very welcome to share your experiences with a GP too!
I had an appointment yesterday with my GP. He is aware of what I do on the Beyond Blue forums. I asked him about anti depressants and how he treats his patients with depression/ anxiety and why some GP's dont prescribe meds. This is what I learned yesterday from one doctor.
- He has always had an interest in depression and anxiety and prescribes AD's where the symptoms fit the criteria to do so
- He will refer to a psychiatrist if a patient shows symptoms of a more 'complex' mental illness and not prescribe meds himself
- Some GP's have little interest in 'getting involved' with depression and will refer to a psychiatrist with little if any discussion
- He isnt 'pro meds' or 'anti-meds' He treats depression as a serious illness with meds to improve his patients health & well being
- He mentioned that a pro-active GP can know more about AD's than some psychiatrists as GP's have more frequent patient contact
It did surprise me that some GP's have little or no interest in treating depression. I hope these GP's are in the minority.
I am interested to know any good or not so good experiences other people have had with a GP. I posted this thread originally so any people with untreated depression/anxiety have a better understanding of how experiences with a GP can be positive step towards recovery.
All your thoughts are most welcome
Thankyou for taking the time to read my thread
Kind thoughts
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Hi MarkJT
I doubt that.It's been a rough weekend....
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Hey Shred
Mark has made a good point about the huge amount of people that find help & encouragement from our own experiences here that choose not to post. Its always a bonus to hear your super kind feedback though 🙂
How rough was your weekend Shred?
My kindest thoughts
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Hi folks
Rough weekend mainly due to insomnia and now having to reduce my antids for medical reasons. They think they have found the cause of the pain! A change in my stomach lining due to all the meds I have had to be on in the last 18 months! I need to get off all antids as they add to the problem big time and can cause reflux!
However, some huge news...I was in a position again to catch up with someone who orchestrated my big downward spiral last year (they had been avoiding me) but they could not on this occasion! So, I went right up to them and said hello - no backing out! I can't believe I achieved that but I did! I guess I am delving into my resilience and moving forward. Whew, big relief but a step forward none the less!.
Just goes to show...moving onward does come...with time, patience and hard work.
Keep you updated folks..going to take another three weeks to get off the meds..
Thanks for the support!
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Shred, two really good things. One is that at least you know what has been causing your pain. Now to work towards getting it fixed. Hopefully things work well - remember that you went really well when off AD's not so long ago.
That is huge, massive, brilliant and outstanding that you met that person head on. That would have taken some serious courage to do and yes your rebuilt resilience has worked really well for you. So stoked for you.
Do you have some strategies for the insomnia?
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Hey MarkJT
Yes, I ran into the other person only today by accident who was an active part of last year.Didn't manage to feel so strong about this encounter but I did it.As tired as I am I still managed it!
Taking time getting off the meds that have caused this problem. Feeling a little better though and it will be a week on Friday since starting the reduced dosage. Patience and strength.
For my insomnia, using the CALM app and also a new app my GP recommended although it's generally used for younger persons. It maps things out for a month,,so we'll see how I go...Trying to increase exercise proportional to my recovery as well.
Baby steps ...huh...they lead to adulthood!! Lol.
I will keep on it though - it's my life!
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Shred, your knowledge now is so spot on (well i think so anyway).
The things you are doing, the thoughts you are having, the plans you have mapped out - awesome. Self care is on point.
My mind has been unusually busy at night time so getting to sleep has been a bit more of a challenge than usual. I am working harder on going through and re-living the three things that worked for me that day. It has been very effective the last couple of years. Have you ever tried doing that?
"Baby steps lead to adulthood"...such a simple but yet so much of a truthful and effective statement. Love it.
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Hey Mark and all
Had a flat day today.Really struggling with the insomnia. Nothing seems to work and it makes for big black circles under the eyes, a great look huh!
The new app doesn't seem to be working and The Calm app is helping a little. Not seeing my GP till Thursday though...
Really need to get more energy somehow. I am pooped most days by this time but walking at 5 - 6.30 every morning is not good.
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Shred, progressively over the last week or so it has taken me a tad longer to get to sleep than usual.Culminated in about 3.5 hrs sleep last night and i am cooked today at work.
The challenge is working out why this is so. Why is my brain not switching off? What am I doing or not doing that is influencing?
When I get home tonight and try and work out what is the reason and you know what, sometimes there is no reason, it is what it is.
When this happens, I just settle back into my old routines, confident that I am still doing everything right and to continue. Trusting the process and logically, it should settle and I get back to sleeping well.
Make sure you start the day off with a really healthy drink and meal. Set the day up. When low on energy, it is critical that we make good food decisions and stay away from crap.
Do not think you have relapsed massively, not the case. As said above, sometimes things just a bit pear shaped. Take the bump and keeping moving forward.
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Hi Shred, Mark and everybody
If you could bear with me on this one as its only what worked only for me.....not anyone here. My sleep was that bad in the 1990's that I was having about 2-3 hours a night. It took me 10 years to understand that even though I was super fit and ate well my adrenaline was pumping way too much....thus resulting in chronically poor sleep
There were awful cold night sweats and occasional bad dreams (which do occur with even low level anxiety) and I was anti meds which didnt help as my sleep/health continued to suffer not to mention the quality of my peace of mind and career performance. I started a small dose of benzo's (when required) as per the continual insistence of my GP...in 1996.
MarkJT is spot on "with taking the bump and moving forward when things go pear shaped". I just dont wish for anyone that reads the public forums to do what I did and waste over 10 years by being anti-meds and 'soldiering on' not taking the appropriate medication to build a platform on which we can heal more effectively.
Shred, I hope you have a good visit with your GP this coming Thursday . Are you fortunate like I am to have a GP that understands where you are coming from?
I remember the black circles around the eyes....I know it doesnt mean much right now Shred but they are temporary especially considering the inner strength you possess
You are an inspiration to me (and the many people that choose to only read the forums)
My Best as always
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Thanks guys
Still having the insomnia issue and yes all, I have a fabulous GP. I am compiling a list to discuss with them tomorrow of questions - we always work this way.
You may well be right Mark, I do believe that although I am still in some pain, I am on such a buzz because of my new workplace (good buzz) I may well have too much adrenaline in the system!.
I also have sleep apnoea and will be arranging a review of the settings on my machine to see if that helps!
A bump is right...again time and strategy!
Keep you all posted