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Fish Oil and other supplements

Community Member
Hi guys. Just wondering if anyone else has tried fish oil/krill oil and other vitamins to help with their symptoms of depression? My p doc has recommended fish oil capsules to help with my concentration, as well as lowering symptoms of depression and easing joint inflammation (arthritis symptoms) and vitamin B complex (for improved energy levels, brain function, pms symptoms, help with skin and other benefits including red blood cell formation). I am going to try Krill oil, as it's absorbed much faster in the body than normal fish oil (although this is still beneficial). Has anyone found significant improvements on these supplements? I guess I just have to find out for myself, but I was just hoping for some feedback from anyone else who has taken them.
9 Replies 9

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello GI, yes I take fish oil, vitamin B, B complex for depression and certaily for joint inflammation and the big question do I notice any difference, well , I don't really know, because I would have to stop taking them to find out, however, I can still have a relapse, but perhaps that not answering good enough, my first psychologist who was also a GP prescribed all of these for me, but the doctor I am now seeing doesn't believe they will do anything, but I still take them everyday.
Vitamin B and B complex was to counteract the effects that my alcohol could have caused when I was drinking like a fish due to my depression, so I definitely believe that you should take this, because multivitamin doesn't have enough B in it for the effect.
With fish oil I asked my doctor whether krill oil would be better and told me that there is evidence indicating that it would, but can I say that if you take fish oil everyday it's in your system, so you're just topping up the next day.
I can't go against what your doctor has told you, and I will still be taking them. Geoff. x

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Yes I take 2000mg fish oil daily. Apparently less than 1500mg is ineffective.

Good for mental health and joints

Tony WK

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi Girl Interupted,

I see Geoff and Tony have responded already to you. I would like to try some of these natural things myself, only money is a bit short for continuous use.

I have a negative reaction to Vitamin B. It send me really loopy. All of us have a different chemistry. You may not know how effective anything is until you take it for a while.

For some people these things will work very well, even if it is just a mind over matter effect, if it makes someone feel better that is excellent! I have certainly heard of people taking the fish oil and having benefits.

Cheers all from Mrs. Dools

Thanks everyone! I'm not a big fan of taking lots of pills - already have enough to take daily and I struggle with taking some of the larger ones (gag reflex). If only there was one pill that gave me all the nutrients I need (multivitamin doesn't provide adequate doses). Anyway I will give it a shot. Thank you 🙂

Dear girl

I have introduced chia seeds into my diet to obtain the omega 3 or the essential fatty acids. I bit similar to the fish or krill oil nutrients. I just have 1 tablespoon.

Shell xx

I also do not do so well on vitamin B. It increases my anxiety as my system is so sensitised from all of the medication.

Magnesium has been a very effective mineral for me. But again - I had to start small. In hospital 3 times a day they gave me 2 pills - it was too much and I was hideously unwell until I stopped taking them. I have since started on a much much smaller dose and have now worked up to 300mg dissolved in water. It has made a massive difference to tension but I still can only have 300mg a few times a week or my stomach gets upset.

I am trying to eat calcium rich food as the tablets do not sit well with me. Be careful with vitamins and minerals like zinc as they can increase the effect of any medication you are on.

I have taken fish oil on and off for many years with no noticeable difference - besides the evolution of the fish oil capsules!

Hi - I have only been taking 4 tablets of fish oil a day for a week or two now, and my brain hasn't been so clear and functional in a good way for a long time! I can't believe what it has done for my happiness scale - it's awesome stuff!

hello Kitatsoppy, thanks for posting and I'm so happy that it's working for you. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Girl Interupted, Yes I have found fish oil to be helpfull ,I take it along with lots of vitamins ,particularly vit c in high doses ,and have also started jucing everyday and all of these things together makes a big difference to me , Ithink the problem today is we don't get sufficicent nutrition from the food we eat and are lacking the vits and minerals .Also high levels of stress takes a toll on our system and topping up in this way keeps me on track ,a good reference book is doctor yourself by dr andrew saul a good drug free way to go ,Im not saying to discount what your GP is saying but they are not nutritionists and tend to have only aa limited knowledge of vitamins and only tend to take their research from studies performed by pharmacutical companies who don't make any money from vitamins that's just my 2 cents worth hope it makes a difference for you it did for me alla the best ,Ross.