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Firing you psychologist

Community Member

Has anyone fired their psychologist and how did you go about it?

My psychologist has reduced her working days to only one day a week in My local area, and she also us on leave a lot making it hard to even book in.

I'm going through a big issue right now that is playing havoc on my bipolar depression. Yes I'm medicated but newly diagnosed.

I need regular support, I can feel myself drifting downwards. All my psych can do is say on a text message 'don't forget self care sleeping and eating'

It's a bit more of an issue than that.. It's just not good enough. She is letting me down.

7 Replies 7

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello Possum, yes I have, not once or twice but several times, if they can't be relied on, then it's time to move on and find someone else who is more prepared to consider your needs, that's what is more important, especially when you feel as though you are slipping away, that's when you need all the help you can get.
If you click onto 'Get Support' at the top of this page and scroll down until you see 'Find a professional', these people are aligned with BB and deal with mental health, and please remember that you need someone who you feel comfortble with. Geoff.

Community Member

Hi Possum,

Yes, I agree with Geoff and have done this before ... though, it's not really firing as such ... it's just a matter of not going back to that particular psych.

Hopefully in your area you have other ones that you can look up and get in touch with? Perhaps even go back to your GP and see if they may be able to give a referral to one that they may know?

Hope this helps.


Community Member
Hi The Possum, 

I congratulate you on advocating for yourself and making sure you get the best support around you. However , there are a couple of pitfalls in this that I just want to make you aware of.
It may be wise to work on developing a team approach to your mental health needs . It may be that , especially if you are not in an inner city area where there is heaps of choice, that instead of “firing" your psychologist that you add other supports so when she’s not there , there are other members of the team around. 

I have often been part of these teams and they can work well as long as everyone knows who is in the team, and who is doing what when. 

For example, I have some patients who will see a supportive GP, a psychologist, a psychiatrist, a support worker from a government agency and also be part of a community support network. So when one part of the network is on leave or not available… the other parts kind of compensate . 

So … not sure what your situation is but it may be that you need to change to a therapist that is more available and /or broaden your support network. 

If you are insure how to do this , talk to your GP or call the beyond blue help line to discuss this further. 1300 22 4636

Hi Dr Kim

Thanks for your reply.

I do have a team. I have a great GP, a psychiatrist, a PT & yoga instructor and psychologist who all work together and know my condition.

I understand psychologists have a life top and can't always be available. At Christmas she tool four weeks off and we arranged for me to see the GP each week.

However for ongoing continuity of care having a psychologist that works one day a week and takes off for whole weeks at a time, one to two week blocks, to me, isn't helpful at all. It's just too much.

Firing may not be the correct word, but I need to find someone more reliable to work with ongoing. The turmoil of having to explain the same things over and over to catch her up its a bit overwhelming.

I won't say anything to her per se, to keep her on standby by, but I've just organised a new psych that can see me each week and works four days a week in my area which is better. She has a four week lead time to get in, but I'll just have to wait and hope I gel with her.

I don't know how my current psych intends on running a business in this fashion. What kind of duty of care is that? And her text messages are just ridiculous.


Hi Dr Kim

I've started with a new psychologist and we seem to click and with her availability I have no issue with appointments and juggling around everything else going on. So I'm very pleased.

The thing is my old psychologist never wrote back to my GP with a progress report as I just finished the 6 sessions under my mental health care plan.

My psychologist would like to see it, so I've contacted my old psychologist and left a message but she has to returned the call.

I believe my new psychologists office also called and no return call.

This seems unprofessional to me and I also thought it was a requirement under the MHC plan that this is provided.

Not sure I can do anything about it though. If you have any suggestions please? I guess it doesn't really matter.

Thank you

Hi The Possum.

Dr Kim only has a limited amount of time on our forums, unfortunately, so she is unable to provide ongoing support within threads.  

If you have concerns about the work of a specific psychologist, we would suggest getting in touch with the Australian Psychological Society, as the registered body for psychologists: http://www.psychology.org.au/

Thanks Sophie!