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Experience with psychotherapy

Community Member

Hi All,

I wanted to get an idea for others experience with psychotherapy. I started 2021 by seeing an experienced psychologist and ended up having over 20 sessions throughout the year.

We definitely covered off some big issues but I also found others arose throughout the year and then towards the end I didn’t feel we were making any progress at all so decided to discontinue in the new year.

I’m not sure I ended up in a position of net benefit for having gone through it. I was very depressed at the end of last year and had to go back on medication which felt like a big step backwards.

I now find myself in a situation where I have unresolved issues and need to find a new psychologist but don’t know where to start in terms of finding one I can connect with.

The last one was very good in some areas but I felt I couldn’t talk about other issues with her at all. All sort of feels like a zero sum game where I’ve ended up back where I started.

Any advice?

Thank you.

3 Replies 3

mocha delight
Community Member
Hi rupes79 I found my psychologist here on the beyondblue website in the ‘find a professional’ section which is now at the bottom of the home plus you can select issues say for depression ect ect ect to. Yes she may not be the psychologist my gp recommended to me as that one she was not taking on anyone new which I’m glad about as the one I have is excellent.

Community Champion
Community Champion


Having a good relationship with an therapist can make a difference between success and ...

Do you think that you got on well with the one from last year?

I have been seeing the same psychologist for the last 3+ years. I used to have an attitude of better or unwell. Binary. Problem was that I was never better as something always happened. But now I compare myself to how was last month, year, whatever and I am better compared with that time.

At the same time, I know (hate that word) what you mean when feel as though you have made no gains.

And that is also when support or the therapist shows you what you have accomplished.

Finally, all I know for myself is that things take time. Pathways in my brain to retrain so that I don't look so negatively at myself or the world. Guess what I am trying to say here is to also be kind to yourself and a little patience.

The last bit really ... from when you were getting help, are there any strategies or coping mechanisms you can use now?

if you want to chat...

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Rupes, to find a psychologist that understands exactly what the problem is like giving a candy bar to someone, it's precisely what we've been looking for, but after a period of time it's easy just to be going around in circles and not being able to achieve any greater experience, so then it's time to move on and because it went well, there could one or two items that haven't been discussed only because the connection between yourself and the psychologist has been good, it didn't seem to be appropriate to interfere with this by raising these other issues.

Going back on medication is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes we need to energise ourselves once again and may also need this to be reviewed by our doctor because our circumstances do change as we progress on with the therapist.

The next psych you find may or may not be suitable, it's only having a couple of sessions with them until you know but these items you haven't spoken about should be raised when you feel comfortable with them.
