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Doc wants to wean me off my meds...I'm absolutely terrified.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

I've had a long history of depression, since mid teens, but the doc was hesitant to prescribe me anything through that whole time, preferring to send me to a myriad of mental health professionals. It was horrible, and completely useless. She finally gave in and I've been taking anti-ds for a while now. She wants to start reducing my dosage until I'm off them. I'm so scared of not taking them -- I don't ever want to go back to living inside the fog...

Is it wrong to just say that I don't want to stop taking them? At the start, I stopped taking them myself because I went through a 'I can manage this by myself without meds' stage...worst two weeks ever. I don't want to stop taking them again, I don't ever remember feeling this good when I wasn't on them. I don't actually remember much at all from the darkest times...

Advice? Is this even something to worry about? I don't know what to do, and my sister (also a depression sufferer) says that the doc tried to do the same to her and it was awful..

I can't go back there...

4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello JustTheDoctor

Welcome to the forums and thankyou for having the courage to post too!

I am Paul and have had depression since 1997 and have been on AD's since. They have provided me with a platform on which I have been re-building my life using the many coping mechanisms available to me..

You have been through a great deal and I am really sorry to read that you were initially sent from doc to doc..

I would find a another doc asap. The meds are there for a reason.....just like a serious physical illness like diabetes or heart disease...there is no difference. Depression is partially chemically based which makes it a physical illness....(Just opinion from my experience of course)

Even if you can find a friend or family member that has a good GP....please do go and make an appointment as soon as you can so you can get a second (or third) opinion.

The GP has done the same to your sister and yourself...and it didnt work. She is probably an excellent GP but may have an personal bias against AD's...

Please dont go back 'there'. If its not broken...dont try to fix it. At this time it would be beneficial for you to stay on the AD's until you have that 2nd or even 3rd opinion. (just my view on this as a sufferer)

I have just re-read your post again..and again......If it was me....I wouldnt even contemplate the idea of going off them...I wasted many years of my life only doing therapy....It works for some people...but didnt for me...

Haste can make waste here....please dont 'rock the boat' on this decision....You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by having a few more opinions...

Please take your time...

We are here for you....I am very glad you have had the strength to post 🙂

My Kind Thoughts for you and your sister too


Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hello, as Paul has mentioned if it was me 'I wouldnt even contemplate the idea of going off them', and I too would go and see another doctor and perhaps it's not so much 'I don't want to stop them' but rather they are still working and if you stop taking them then it's very possible that you will succummb back to this illness.
Just remember when you stopped taking them it was the 'worst two weeks', and it's really impossible to overcome any type of depression by yourself, and I say this because we maybe able to stop all those surface problems but those deep down problems which you may know of, or not have any idea of what they are the ones causing your depression.
This didn't work for your sister and it didn't work for you, so the 'writing is on the wall', so either ring the BB phone number or click onto 'Get Support' where you can find a doctor who deals in mental illness, and by saying that I mean suffering from depression.
These doctors are aligned with BB and will be able to help you.
I remember the last psychologist I saw and I only have just a few visits with him, he always said that he didn't believe in people taking medication which I queried and said I disagree totally with him, so I left him as he always said that all illness can be treated with by willpower, so he must have been a health nerd.
Each doctor has their own belief, but as soon as you don't like what they say or do, simply because it's not working then it's time to move on.
Let us know what you have decided on. Geoff.

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hello JustTheDoctor.

I'm a Paul as well (Can't have too much of a good thing I say!)

I'm a strong believer that to manage and overcome depression requires multiple approaches. One of the approaches for me is maintaining biological stability through antidepressants, psychotherapy, managing triggers and also learning about the triggers as much as possible. There are some other little tricks I use to prevent myself from falling too far into the fog.

Overall I think the approach should be in consultation with you and to a level of comfort that doesn't interfere with you staying well and balanced and recovering.

As other Paul (and Geoff I just noticed) suggests and I suggest as well find another doctor. You may wish to consider a psychiatrist who have a medical approach to mental health. Some specialise in multiple approaches as well and offer total care.

Find yourself another GP so you can put the terror out of your mind.


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi there,

Personally I think if you are scared you need to talk it through more. I have gone off them each time, the doctor says that they are less effective the longer I am on them. The truth is that the mental health cycles around regardless of the medication and if the need is there I can go back on them and do. There are advantages to not being on anti depressants too and I would be discussing that. I think like Paul mentioned it seems best to tackle depression on a whole number of fronts and the other things are important to keep doing. So I guess I'm not for changing doctors, but have a conversation with her about how you are feeling about this, it might not be time or she might be moving too quick for you.
