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Do you find ginger foods/drinks help with nausea/upset stomach? I want to try some but not sure where to start.
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An update for now is that I was particularly peckish last night so I thought I'd try a pie. (About 2 weeks ago I was having one a day, but not that I mention it maybe they were another brand. But usually when I'm 'normal' pies are my favourite food.) By the time it was cooked, I'm not sure what it was but I was totally turned off it. No big deal though, I was ready for the possibility. Just glad wrapped it and put in the fridge for someone else. When I sat down after putting it in the fryer thing we use to cook I did get this wave hit me, like this intense cold in my whole body that I KNOW was brought on by anxiety. It's happened before, I was worried it totally took away my appetite but it didn't! While it's possible that put me off the pie partially along with the other things (The smell made me nervous), it wasn't able to put me off my usual chicken burger I had as soon as the pie smell left the kitchen. So that's progress. Strange progress, but progress. I think if I have my burger early again today I'll try follow it before bed with a cheese burger.
It's been cold here too and I think the cold kinda messes with me, besides just making getting out of my snugly cozy bed a bit harder. Definitely the hyper awareness anxiety brings in in terms of noticing anything going on in your body gets set off by inclement weather. Next time I feel like something new I'll try something smaller. Like a few party pies, another packet of noodles maybe a popper. Even just a different brand of pie probably helps. (Half writing this for myself) Maybe adding something new after my normal meals and not in the middle of them. I usually thinking about yummy foods as I drift to sleep so it's sometimes very tempting to get out of bed and have something. Generally though I've been less anxious about food, and eating a little earlier each day, with any luck today will be the same.
Hope you have a nice little vacation. I'll probably update here if anything significant happens or occurs to me in the meantime, I hope you don't mind. Don't feel the need to respond to them all if there is a lot. Either way it's up to you, I enjoy your correspondence. Rest assured I've been making small, safe and sometimes impulsive improvements. I'm a little worried about appointments throwing me off but whatever happens I'll make do. Have fun! 🙂
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Hey Hypersleep, Now that I'm back, I thought I'd check in to see how things are going for you.
Lovely to have a week in the country - so different from the city stress - but became quite anxious and then depressed when it was time to leave, so I'm a bit "wobbly" at the moment.
I re-read your last post and I get the impression you've been trying really hard to deal with the anxiety and food issue and that post sounds much more relaxed than your first one. I hope you've been able to maintain the positive attitude since then.
You have a therapy session at the beginning of September (I think) and an appointment with a psychologist in a few weeks? That's terrific; it really does help to lift the burden if you can be in contact with professionals.
Appointments may have some effect, but just be prepared they might cause a minor blip, but that blip is only temporary and won't be permanent.
No need to be concerned about how many times you post here - that's the idea of the forums. Much better to get the feelings out and acknowledge them than just sit with them, hoping they'll go away.
I usually check in daily, however, at the moment, both the anxiety and depression are slightly intense, so it may be two-three days before I respond.
However, I will respond because I'm really interested in your progress. You do sound as though you've made some real improvement - congratulations. LH
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Yeah the appointment was today, went well. I woke up early the day before which usually gives me a couple bumps in the road but I managed. Sadly, my plan to sleep before the appointment didn't pan out. Just ended up lying in bed for a few hours. But I went to it. It was more of a re-integration appointment than a proper session. Still good for me, if for nothing else getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. My mum is always blown away by how well I explain myself, her words, not mine haha. So afterwards instead of just a snack from KFC we got some Fish and Chips. Loved it. Could've eaten more but I needed to get some sleep haha. Felt good though. I was entirely calm the whole time. The appointment, the wait for the chips at the shop, the ride home to eat them. I just stood in the kitchen and ate them down while standing. Which my Dr. tells me is a good idea when I can, to stand or move when eating. Simple things help a lot.
Past few days too, been feeling more confident. Making some changes here and there, eating more. Yesterday when I woke up I couldn't get back to sleep and I heard my mum making sandwhiches for my siblings so I jumped out of bed and asked for one. I was gonna save it for later but ate it then and there. That's a huge thing for me, getting up early AND eating something new at an unusual time. So proud of myself, honestly.
Trying to change my relationship with food. A thought that occurred to me, and sometimes with anxiety you need simple reminders about things is that even if food is unpleasant to get down, the feeling of having eaten is so nice. After I eat my nightly noodles to get started I have a snack with it. Used to be a banana, but now I'm having a tiny bag of pretzels before the banana. They aren't awful, I do enjoy pretzels but it feels nice just to snack, so to say. Generally just having an easier time eating lately, at least the things that are a part of my routine. Still can be some nerves, had the 'cold feeling' I may have described here or on another thread last night before a meal, was able to let it pass then eat normally. Trying to let impulse guide me in terms of trying new things.
Things are looking up though! I'm glad I had a positive update for you. Hopefully helps your mental health a bit somehow. Re-trying things I used to do normally at my own pace too. 🙂 Oh, I've got more to say.
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The Dr. point me in the direction of a dietician, and another medication I've heard about that has a side effect of increasing appetite, but it also makes you feel drunk as she described so it's best taken before bed. I can vouch for that, I've had something similar and it made feel numb. I've got it here with me and she recommended half of a pill, smallest dose possible really. Problem is I often feel hungry around bedtime, or even after I'm in bed. So thus far I haven't had any of the new medication.
Having said that, things are looking up. And If things do get rocky again, and they might, then I've got it here with me ready to try.
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Hi Hypersleep,
I'm blown away from the progress you've made in such a short period of time! It does sound as though you're slowly making peace with food.
Your issues with anxiety and food would be so inspirational for the thousands suffering food issues. You should be extremely proud that you're coping with the issues so rationally and positively. Your tips could really be beneficial to others. I don't know if there's a section or thread on this site that deals with anxiety-related food issues, but your story and encouragement would be so appreciated by others. Sometimes people don't have a great deal of resourcefulness and really benefit from the experiences of others.
I was hopeful things would start coming together for you, but I never imagined it would be so soon.
Yes, still coping with an intense bout of both anxiety and depression. I realise both will eventually lift - it's just a matter of holding on tight and waiting - something I'm very used to doing.
Again, well done! Post here whenever and as often as you feel like it - your progress is important to me.
Regards, LH
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I stopped writing in the journal, I mixed up what I ate, but kept the same times roughly, with the occasional impulse meal out of 'routine'. Kept up with meditation, but lately finding it harder to focus. Keeping up with multi vitamins too, sadly not really getting exercise but everything in time. Pretty much everyone was on the up and up though for the most part, but today I have my first actual appointment with Headspace in awhile. The guy I saw was great, looking forward to more with him. But coming home from the appointment I was steadfast in staying awake, fixing my sleeping. He gave me a boost of confidence and while I did manage to stay up all day there has been some downsides. I went nearly 12 hours without a proper meal and then when it came time for my noodles I just wasn't feeling it. Managed to eat most of them and tried to follow up with some pretzles but it just wasn't happening. I'm not going to lose heart just yet, I am going on 24 hours awake at this point. Besides that it was a pretty weird day. Mum is having a night at her partners while my sister and her friend babysit their kids and my siblings. Mad house, haha. Was good for keeping me up all day though!
I tried to go to sleep at around 6 at night, just after taking my SRI's. I got a little bit of sleep but woke up about an hour later quite panicked. Managed to keep my cool but boy, that didn't feel great. Thankfully though I'm not shying away from distractions. I'm not letting my food troubles spread, for now. Writing this at 12:00 AM. Hoping to get to sleep, proper, in about an hour or so. I'll be waking up to a whole new routine. Even if it's hard hopefully I can make it work. I should mention it's a bloody scorcher here, thankfully I got a new fan so it's not as bad but it's been all around a rough time today. If I don't get a decent meal in me tomorrow then I'll try the medication I mentioned holding onto but not yet taking. Though I'm still mixed on that, I showed myself I'm able to do it on my own. By gosh I'll try. I'll update this thread again if there's any response or if I have anything to add by the end of tomorrow. Hopefully I just shake this off.
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Hey Hypersleep,
Was very glad to receive your post when I checked in very early this morning. Intended to give a detailed reply but have been laid low (again) with intense migraine. Hopefully I'll be up and about tomorrow; I didn't want you to feel no-one was at the other end. Chat soon. LH
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Thanks for checking back in 🙂
I am glad yo are working on getting a routine. That can help with managing you appetite (help to have regular eating patterns) as well as anxiety and depression. I'm also glad you are trying to eat even if you are not 'feeling it'. Sometimes we just need to eat even if not feeling it, because we need to ensure we get all the nutrients the body needs. I know when my depression flares up I have to wary of what I eat, because my appetite goes way down. I sometimes try smaller more frequent meals and this can help me.
Now I am not a doctor, but I was told to take my SSRI in the morning, roughly when I wake up. I think some types of SSRI can cause people to be energized. I would look at the pamphlet in your prescription box or discuss this with your doctor. At one stage I had to take some meds in the morning and some before bed. It was annoying but it helped give me the best chance to a good night sleep. I also found doing a quick 10 minute guided meditation helped me get to sleep, especially if I had racing thoughts.
Glad to see you have checked in and that you liked the guy you saw at headspace. Being comfortable is really important so you can open up and get the best out of it
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I appreciate the heads up LH, looking forward to your response. I was going to update here when I fixed my sleeping since that and eating were my main reasons for posting here.
Yeah I've heard I should take it in the morning too. I had the most success personally when I took it at a certain time in the afternoon, but as always there are many variables. So I am trying to dial it back. Right now and the time I mentioned most success wise was at 6:00 in the afternoon. I'm going to try dial it back by about half an hour a day till I get it to when I'm waking up. Which today, after successfully staying up all day yesterday to fix my sleeping (Which I wish I didn't, now I find eating hard again. 😞 ) is at 12:00 mid-day. Not a bad time to wake up. I did get some interrupted sleep but ultimately I'd say that's about 11 hours worth. Not bad!
Tired around 7 tonight, which sucks. Because I had that accidental nap yesterday my body probably thinks it's nap time. Managed to kind of push through to the other side of the tiredness. Still worried about food, but confident in a kind of... peaceful way? Decided if I can't eat as much as I did last night before posting I'll try the medication that is supposed to help with my appetite. Still, I'm very reluctant. The immediate feeling of the drug is rough on me. I'm told it's what being drunk feels like. As in proper sh*t-faced. I would be taking it before bed so I wouldn't notice that, still it worries me. Grr! I have no doubt eating will become easier with this new routine as time goes on, it's important for me to let impulse guide me when I am feeling up to it, but still eat or try to at certain times. Ultimately I won't force myself, the last thing I need is to throw up what I manage to eat. Thankfully eating at 9-11PM is still quite possible with my new routine, as it was with the old. But it's gone from breakfast to dinner haha.
There are other things causing me stress, the weather is bloody rotten here, kind of a silver lining though as it makes it hard to sleep in :P. Unusual activities family wise. Bit low on cash as I wasn't expecting to be afraid to eat half the food I bought last time again so soon. All things considered I think it's reasonable to be anxious or uneasy lately in my life. So it doesn't feel as... annoying, I guess, when I get do anxious.
Looking forward to more replies. Hope you're all doing better than I am for the time being.
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Dude I ate a pizza just 3 days ago! For my first meal of the day at the time. That's huge for me, a huge sign I was getting better. Been watching movies all alone too, just in my room but that was nice. Playing stressful games too with my friends. I was really making work.