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Do I have to see a psychologist before I can get medication?

Community Member
I have social anxiety and noticed it when I was in my mid teens. Since then, all I could do was work through it and try to ignore it - or not leave the house. It's slowly been getting worse and everytime I leave the house or know I have to leave the house, I feel physically sick. Anyway, I'd like to get on medication. The last doctors visit he suggested I see a psychologist before quickly shooing me away. I'm kinda scared about seeing someone and don't know if I'd make it to the appointments. I've tried taking stuff I can buy from chemists but it tastes absolutely horrible and doesn't help. Is there anything else I can try or can I get my hands on proper medication without a psychologist visit?
4 Replies 4

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello Cascades, my suggestion to you is to see another GP.  Ask for a mental health care plan.  This will entitle you to a number of subsidised visits to a psychologist, which should help you immensely with your social anxiety. Pills won't cure that, unfortunately, although they may be part of a treatment plan for you.  This will be up to your doctor.  If you have a look on this  website there's a lot of information about the types of treatments available.  I'm a bit concerned that you seem a bit fixated on getting medication.  Tackling a condition like anxiety is a bit more complicated than tackling a headache.  

At the very least, it sounds like your current GP is not taking your concerns seriously enough and I'd look into seeing someone else.  There are links on this website too to help you find GPs that specialise in mental health.

Community Member

Hi Cascades,

Sorry to hear about the social anxiety it seems like your going through a rough time at the moment. It's great that you want medication it can be so helpful. Your GP can suggest and give you medication but in my opinion i would look into seeing a Psychiatrist they specialist in medication for mental health they will be able to diagnose you and give you what they believe will help best and also they will be able to suggest other techniques to help with the social anxiety. Psychiatrist are really good especially if you are regarding information on medication and Psychologist are also really good to talk to but they cannot subscribe you with medication like Psychiatrist can. 

Good luck and keep us updated, hopefully it gets sorted soon for you!!

Stay strong!

-Lori 🙂

Community Member

Hi Cascades.  I would try asking your Dr for a referral to a psychiatrist.  Your Dr knows you, therefore he would be able to suggest who you should see.   With a psychiatrist he would be able to get you onto proper medication that would help relax you.  If after one or two visits, you're not happy, you can then ask for a referral to another psych.  Once you've seen the psych the first time, go back to your Dr if you're not happy or feel as though he doesn't really understand your anxiety.  Dr's know psychiatrists fairly well and would know who the best person would be for you to see.  As Jess suggested ask the Dr for a mental health care plan.  Do you actually have a regular Dr, if not, try phoning some of them.  Talk to their nurse, explain the situation to them, they would probably be able to steer you in the right direction as far as seeing the Dr.  The nurse/receptionist cannot refer you to a psych, this has to come from the Dr.  Give the Dr as much info about you as you can, so that they know who best to recommend.

Best of luck.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
dear Cascade, it can always be confusing as to know what is the best direction for you to go, but if your doctor is 'shooing you away' then I would suggest that you see another doctor, because what he has done is add to your social anxiety and that's certainly not what you need.
A doctor who is concerned for you then takes their time to diagnose you, but he doesn't seem to be right for you, but if you see a psychiatrist then he/she will be able to prescribe medication for you, but you need a referral from a doctor. Geoff.