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Do antidepressants shorten lifespans?

Community Member

I was watching Q&A last night, they had a special on mental health to coincide with this week being mental health week.
Someone on the show mentioned that antidepressants shorten a persons life.
I am on an SSRI, my prescribing psychiatrist, pharmacist and also my GP never mentioned this to me.
They all assured me it is perfectly safe.
Anyone know anything?

7 Replies 7

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello MisterM, I believe there are studies out there that talk about the long term effects of different medications. I'm not sure if any list 'premature death' as a side effect, as that is too broad. What you might find is that other side effects, such as weight gain, may contribute to other health issues that can shorten your life span. Does that make sense?

I would speak to whichever professional prescribed you the medication and put your concerns on the table. Often doctors don't think about the physical wellbeing of patients when they're dealing with mental health, and of course it's all related. For example, checking up on diet, exercise, alchohol use etc in conjunction with whatever medication you're on. 

Community Member
Hi JessF, yeah they mentioned weight gain caused by medications that leads to heart and diabetes issues.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Yes that's the sort of thing I was thinking about too. So if your GP knows that your meds can cause these things, then they should be checking you regualrly, as in doing the apropriate tests, for diabetes, cholestrol, all those heart related things. 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
A bit like how if you have a job where you're out in the sun all the time, you should be getting regualr check ups for melanaoma.

Community Member
I have actually lost weight since starting medication.
But I attribute that to cutting out carbs, eating smaller portions and exercise.
I have not exercised all winter and still the weight is the same, but I do need to get active again.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor
Sounds like you're on top of things to me! What sort of exercise do you like doing? I have started swimming again recently and find it very refreshing.

Community Member
I was riding my bike from my house to nearing suburbs and back, 20 km up to 40 km rides depending on how many laps I did. Prior to that I was jogging up to 5kms each day on the road but had to stop as my knee was hurting from it which is why I hopped on the bike. I stopped riding for winter as it was too cold. Might start walking instead this time. Need to find the motivation again.