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brain zaps.

Community Member
hi guys, just looking for some self help tips in regards to brain zaps when coming of snri's please. day 3 of zero tablets taken (tapered very slowly) and cant even move eyes or head without getting these zaps! i know theyr not dangerous but any self help would be great 🙂 thank you
3 Replies 3

Miss T
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
I would imagine you'd gained weight as a side effect but you still need to make sure you are getting enough fats and oils, preferably sources such as avocado and fish oil. Drinking plenty of water should help as well as foods high in vitamin B. Hopefully the brain zaps subside over time.

Community Member
hi miss T. no i didnt gain any weight, my weight never seems to change ha! im taking multivit's, fish oil tabs aswell as magnesium so like u say hopefully doesnt last too long. have you had them?

Community Member


This sounds similar to my currently ongoing experience. I've tapered off over 3 months and now it's been 3 weeks on zero. The zaps and intense nausea, like nothing I've had before, have finally diminished to almost nothing so keep at it. My psychiatrist said to try for at least 4 weeks as I was looking for help at week 2 - he was right.

Now I'm waiting to see how I feel snri free after 6 years. I came off, with agreement and supervision of my psychiatrist, because I felt I could no longer tell the difference between depression/triggers and the side-effects.

So far so good although I am finding I'm less tolerant of life events, people etc. but currently it's manageable and preferable. SNRI's have such awful side-effects.

Good luck