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Are there any psychologists in Perth that deal with ex-cult members?

Community Member
Hi everyone! I am currently dealing with the issues of leaving a cult and I would like to know if there are anysupports that specialise in dealing with cults and former cult members. I still feel psychologically gridlocked by the teachings of the cult I used to be in, so any information would be nice. Thank you.
4 Replies 4

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello NZthrower

Thank you for your post and welcome. I'm sorry to hear about what your going through and I'm glad that you shared this because you are not alone and there is support for you among the forum.
I dont have any knowledge on this that i can share with you but im sure others on the forum will be able to offer some advice

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi NZthrower,

Thank you for asking this question. I'm sorry that you're in a position to be asking this question and for the experiences that you've had to go through.

This is an older post so hoping that you are still around and browsing the forums, but I did want to pop into answer your question.

If you go to this website https://psychology.org.au/find-a-psychologist you can filter through issues and a location. If you click on the tab Trauma / Harm, you can then click "cult involvement".

I hope this is helpful; or that you've been able to find someone since asking here.


Hi there, I wander also if any trauma services might be helpful, outside of psychologists, trauma counsellors or social workers or even MH nurses may have skillets applicable

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Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi NZthrower

Thank you for your post and welcome to the forum.

So brave and strong of you to manage to break free from the cult’s clutches. I can’t even start to imagine how difficult this must have been for you.

Others have given you some excellent examples and help and I just wanted to add that in case you ever feel like a chat, we are here for you and will always listen with no judgement and with a great deal of empathy and compassion.