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Alternative treatments that have worked for you

Community Member


I'm really interested to hear if anyone has found any alternative treatments (after trying conventional treatment) that has worked for them, especially for anxiety.


7 Replies 7

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion

Hi TG, welcome

For anxiety, and I've licked it totally now, along with medication therpay and relaxation techniques there were some self help ideas I tried. One stood out and was significant in my recovery.

Firstly, I'm not religious and some people find this suggestion a religious one- not so. Spiritual perhaps.

Prem Rawat is a man also called "Maharaji". At 9 years old he stood on a high fence andlooked over mourning villagers. One of their Indian elders died. He yelled at them not to cry but rejoice and cellebrate his life. By 13yo he was on television advising how people should approach things differently.

Fundamentally he guides people to find their inner self and overall - peace.

One of his teachings is about sunsets. Have you seen a sunset he asks. Yep, we say. But a sunset lasts 2 hours....now, from start to finish...have you seen a sun...set?  One of the most beautiful experiences you can ever undertake he tells....is to see a sunset. So I did. I climbed the highest hill and sat on a rock, closed my eyes and listened to every surrounding sound then watched the sun ..set. A most incredible experience that costs nil....and you have up to 35,000 of them in your life.

You only have the key to your inner self...no one else has a key. You must find that key.

28 years ago I began listening to him on cassette tapes. Now he has several on youtube. Google youtube prem rawat maharaji sunset      or the perfect instrument and many more.

The ultimate humble human being. A wise man. A man that changed my life and directed it so many times to keep me on track.

I know you meant alternative medicine but I just couldnt pass by your post without a mention of this man.

Tony WK

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Technogurl!

I've been suffering with depression and anxiety for about 6 years now, and I have found that medicated treatments are the most effective, however there are a few different alternatives I will put in place when I'm feeling a little down.

Art therapy is excellent for getting out certain emotional triggers, as well as making something fantastic in the process. Have an experiment with drawing, painting, sculpture and whatever else you like, and see what you can come up with.

I try to keep myself distracted and busy when I am feeling anxious, and then when I get a chance I will write all my thoughts down in a book.

Have a look here on BB at the resources regarding anxiety and depression, as you may be able to find some other alternatives.

Good luck and stay strong!


Hi Tony

Thanks for your reply. Well done for working so hard and conquering that anxiety!

The work of Prem Rawat sounds very interesting and I will definitely look it up. I have never heard of him before. I have however heard of mindfulness and it seems to be all the rage now, but I have to admit it has a lot of merit, as you cannot be worrying about the future or hanging onto the past when you are totally focused on the now. I also enjoy Eckhart Tolle's work. But reading about it an applying it are two different things. Lol.


Hi Crystal

Thanks for your thoughts and ideas. They sound good and interesting.

I have actually heard that people are using colouring in as a therapy and I think I may give that a go. I find that my creativity actually disappeared and it's finally started to resurface again.

It sounds like you have some great strategies in place, well done!



Community Member

I just wanted to share my experiences. I have an interest in anything to with Acupressure/pressure points (after having several Kinesiology treatments) so I bought a book on Acupressure. The book is called:

"Acupressure for emotional healing." By Michael Reed,Gach,Phd.

Its still available most shops. There are a lot of ailments including anxiety,depression,even helps with chronic fatigue syndrome,etc so I found it quite helpful. I found websites catering for pressure points too.


About 4 months ago I was reading a book on a technique called "Emotional Freedom Technique".(EFT).I figured I was on the right track so I kept looking and found another technique called:

"Faster E.F.T." Its long name is Faster Emotionally Focused Transformations. I learnt all about it,joined a forum catering for it,found video demos,diagrams,etc and started using it. Its been a blessing. Its helped my overall wellbeing and I have got rid of many emotional issues.We all have them. I do this every day.I keep a journal too.It makes for interesting reading.


Community Member
I've been wondering this too and I'm considering hypnotherapy next. I'll let you know if it works.

Community Member

I tried hypnotherapy and I think it's a little hit or miss. You definitely need to go in open minded, relaxed and honest. 

Breathing techniques are great for calming your self and distraction. 

Art therapy, which for my was a A5 sized colouring book and crayons where ever I went works well.

The best thing for me has been my cat. I know it may sound silly and I don't know if it counts as an alternative therapy. I grew up with a dog but he was always my brothers dog, I decided to become a pet owner and adopted a kitten. Specifically due to how independent they can be as I am often busy during the week. However she has lit up my life, I owe her so much.