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30 year old male on antidepressants for 9 years and its stopped working

Community Member
hi ive been on an antidepressant for 9 years and for the last 12 months ive been having horrible anxiety and panic attacks. im not derpressed or even have racing thoughts,what is happening seems more physical then anything. i find it hard to breathe and have a swimmy head most the time and am always in a state of uneasy. i went to my gp this morning and he thinks maybe my antidepressant isnt working anymore so he recommends i go 24 hours without it then start a new medication.  i know what the withdrawls from my antidepressant are like and told him i dont think i could go off them cold turkey but he said alot of people do it this way so i guess i just have to trust him. i just want to feel normal again, ive had a heap of blood test and i know its just my anxiety causing it all. do any of u guys have and ideas on what could work and if my gp is right?
3 Replies 3

Community Member

I was on a Tricyclic antidepressant which was working quite well for approximately 5 years until I had a minor panic attack and it stopped having the same effect. I've tried a few since and still don't feel quite right. I mentioned to my GP that I'm going to ask my psychiatrist to change my morning serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor antidepressant. It is helping somewhat, but like you I want to feel normal again. I am willing to go through the withdrawls to find the right medication for me. So, my advice is to trust tyour GP as you are not alone. Ensure you have support around you and tell people close to you are going to go through a difficult time. Take time off work if need be. I was given the CAT team number  for such a crisis period. I have been seeing my GP to get blood tests and ECG after changes in my medication.

Hope this helps

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi allofme,

Welcome to the forums. I have had similar worries when I changed meds. Totally understandable. 

Have there been any changes to your life around the time you started feeling this way? Extra stresses?

I'm not a medical professional, but from my own lived experiences, changing meds is usually an unstable and sometimes difficult experience. I found having a prepared plan for that time really helpful, like, organising to not have any unnecessary stress. I also called a support person, like a friend, and told them that I was planning to change meds, that it can be a hard time, and if it was okay to call them at anytime during this period if I was feeling bad. Also having the contact numbers of mental health support services, like lifeline (131114) or local mental health services on hand can be assuring. Having a stocked fridge with good food also helped. Prepare some meals if you want, though keeping busy with cooking may help too. 

Hope that these strategies help. 


Community Member
I have been on SSRI medication for almost a year now. I felt they were working well for the first six months, since then I feel like I was before I started taking them. I don't know if it's because of life circumstances or not. Not sure if I should stay on them or change. I have a follow up appointment with my prescribing psychiatrist in February.