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The best way to show support

Community Member


I'll keep this short. I am looking to find out what helps you guys the most when it comes to receiving support from friends and family? Do you enjoy being texted or given space? What phrases or affirmations do you need to hear?

And also, what makes you tick? What can people do to absolutely ruin your day? What do friends sometimes do that you wish they didn't?

I want to know this so that I can help my friends with anxiety and depression

THANK YOU ALL!!! Every contribution helps, no matter how small

1 Reply 1

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Izzy3764,

Welcome to forum. I'm glad that you're reaching out for ideas on how to support a friend / be a supportive friend.

The idea of 'support' comes in different forms, and support will look different from person to person. You may perhaps start with R U OK and headspace resources?



I would recommend sharing the Beyond Blue hotline 1300 22 4636, or the online chat / forum links where they can discuss their concerns with confidentiality.

Hope these resources would give you some ideas for support.

There would be other threads on the forum around 'staying well' and providing support for friends too which may give you some further thoughts.

Feel free to stick around the forum, comment/update whenever !

Stay well. Warm regards, CP