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Dealing with a partner who suffers PTSD

Community Member
HI - my partner is an ex policeman and saw some disturbing stuff in his service- he is not a policeman anymore- but then he lost all his family including his wife to cancer or stroke- He is generally a lovely sweet man...but he does change persona at times when he is faced with a threatening situation.....and then he changes into Godzilla and says the most terrible things..... I was wondering if anyone had tips on how to deal with him when he looses it....
1 Reply 1

 Hi Pape,

Welcome to the forums – we apologise for the delayed reply. It sounds like you really care for your partner who has had to face a lot of adversity throughout his life. We're grateful that you've turned to our community for support. You mentioned that your partner seems to change in threatening situations – what is happening in these situations?
You may wish to visit our webpage to understand your partners symptoms along with what supports are available. Feel free to also get in touch with our Support Service anytime on 1300 22 4636 or via Webchat (3pm -12am AEST) http://www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support/  who can assist with finding services in your area that suit you and your partner’s needs.
SANE Australia also provides information, guidance, and referrals to manage complex mental health concerns, including support for carers - 1800 187 263 / https://www.sane.org/get-help
We hope to see you around the forums – check back in whenever you’re feeling up to it.