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Supporting my daughter

My daughter is a single mum of 2 with depression and ptsd and juat need advice on how to help her i already help with the kids but doesn’t seem to be enough for her she’s really down

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Community Champion
Community Champion

Hey there, thank you for reaching out, and I'm so sorry to hear what you're both going through. It's heartbreaking to watch somebody you love going through a struggle.


The first place to start might be having a conversation with her alone to show your concern and support for her, just to let her know that you're there for her, and also to give her the space to open up to you about what she's feeling and how you might be able to support her.


She may insist that she doesn't need your support at this stage, and if this is the case, it's important for her to still know that you're there for her if she does need you. If she does need your support, it's good to establish the way in which you can best support her - moral, financial (if feasible), physical, emotional.


ReachOut Parents might be a good resource to recommend to her, or even have a look through yourself, to see if there are any services, articles, or resources that resonate. 


I hope this helps, please feel free to share as much or as little as you want with us, we're here to support you through this. 


Take care, SB