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Supporting my Brother after suicide attempt

Community Member

My Brother is 22 and has been struggling for awhile, he has had 3 suicide attempts with the latest being tonight :(. He always calls and instantly regrets it and seeks help.

He is withdrawn has dabbled in drugs, I just don’t know how to help him! He has tried rehab type mental health centres and such.

I just dread that phone call everyday!

I absolutely love and adore him no matter what, but I feel completely useless.

Our parents are divorced, which makes communication hard but I am just at a loss. I can’t keep watching him do this 😞

How can I help? Is there any other places he can go? Therapies any suggestions welcome please!

3 Replies 3


Hey Torrri,

Welcome to the forums, we're so grateful that you decided to join us here tonight. We know how tough it can be to reach out, so thank you for having the courage. We're really sorry to hear what your brother is going through at the moment, but he sounds very lucky to have such a caring sibling like yourself. Please know that you've come to a safe space to talk about these thoughts and feelings and our wonderful community is here to offer as much support and advice as you need.  

If you feel up to it, we'd also recommend getting in touch with our Support Service which is available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or you can visit on our website www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat. One of our friendly counsellors will be able to give you some information and advice to help you and your brother.   

You might also find some helpful advice on our page "Worried about someone suicidal" https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/suicide-prevention/worried-about-someone-suicidal

We hope that you keep checking back in with us to let us know how you are going, whenever you feel up to it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Torrri

I feel the pain you are going through with a brother that is doing it so hard...You are a very caring person to reach out as well as you have.

Sophie_M has posted the super important links above

Just as per my own experience with my suicidal big brother there are very kind and non judgmental counsellors that can really help us out on Lifeline....13 11 14

You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by asking for some assistance

any questions are always welcome Torrri

my very best for you and your brother


Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member
hi Torrri, this sounds really tough. I just wanted you to know that people do recover from feeling suicidal and also from addiction, and the fact that he's tried these centres shows to me that he's wanting in some way to get better. These places are always improving and resources are changing, so hpefully he can find a place that works for him. It must be very hard on you and scary for you to go through this. Loving him and being a friend to him is a great wya to help him