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Relationships in your 30’s post covid

Community Member
During 2020 I still held my job, while others did not, which is something to be thankful for however, the workload I put in was in excess to any amounts I did before. I often left my weeks mentally and emotionally drained and when my ‘friends’ did their Friday night catch ups I didn’t have the energy to actively join. When I did I was quite quiet. More observing. I didn’t understand the shows they’d all been watching all the memes they’d all seen or the remote exercise classes they did together. I felt out of the loop. It seems to be something I have not managed to slip back into. I would have rather had no job and still kept up with my friends. I don’t know how to get back where we were and finding myself more and more lonely since last year. Has anyone else experienced the same thing? It’s almost as if friendship circles reduced and some got closer and some are gone forever. Definitely feeling like the latter.
1 Reply 1

Community Member

Hello LF1986,

Firstly, Welcome!
Secondly, I totally understand. I unfortunately did not manage to keep my job, but I saw a divide in my friends as well. I'm also in my 30's, and it seemed half of my friends just sort of disappeared/withdrew, and the other half became very social ... so social I couldn't keep up. I felt excluded completely from some, while others would reach out every day. I personally just engrossed myself in my daily activities, gained some hobbies, and found that there were only a small group of a few friends that became closer and better relationships through last year. You are not alone. This whole event has put an odd pressure on social lives everywhere, and it's not surprising you're feeling a change there. This all being said, I'm not sure I have much advice on how to remedy your situation, since I have not figured that out myself. I hope things improve for you and you manage to reconnect as things get closer to normal again.
