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Pregnancy and child birth- no support from parents due to Border Closure

Community Member

Pregnancy and child birth suppose to be the happiest time in someone’s life. One needs physical and emotional support during that time and who can be more supportive then your own parents. But due to border closure some of the moms to be and new mums are going through extremely hard times. They dealing with physical and emotional changes in them with various other health issues. On top of that they have to take care of their older kids. Some of them have no one to take care of them as partners cannot take off from work during pregnancy and even after childbirth.

They dealing with anxiety and fear of birth during pregnancy and then dealing all alone with post natal depression after birth. When these women and families needs more support from their parents, they are forced to be dealing alone because of border closure.

This situation is affecting so much on their mental health. They feel helpless, stressed and frustrated at the time when they should be staying happy for good health of themselves and their babies.

If anybody is going through same situation and feels like sharing their stories then pls do it. Let’s get together and support each other in whatever way we can. Share information if you know some organisation or support group that can help in your area.

The most important thing right now is mental health of you all. So pls share your stories and concerns so that we all can help each other in someway. No one deserves to be fighting alone in this. Lets support !!

1 Reply 1

white knight
Community Champion
Community Champion
Hi, welcome

Being a guy with a grown daughter and not having any effect of border closures on me Im not ideal to answer your post.

However I've noticed most states now have relaxed their borders. Can you now see your parents? I hope so.

We shouldn't forget that some parents to be don't have parents alive or they're estranged, also regardless of hardship, we aren't in a depression nor threatened by war (like 1 and 2)and diseases hit our country in the past like the Spanish flu. I see these catastrophes as life whereas our younger generation has only had Covid 19 as their only trauma. We even had to resort to letter writing !

This is not to say your concerns and discomfort isn't serious, it is. So I'm hoping that by answering your post you'll get more replies as your post returns to the top of the forum.

Good luck and I hope you are your parents soon.
