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My sister *Trigger warning - suicidal thoughts content*

Community Member

I’ve just gotten off the phone to my sister I’m feeling hopeless overwhelmed and extremely anxious, she called me In hysterics wanted to end her I could feel her pain and agony over the phone and tried to say the right things to help her feel positive but I found myself lost for words.

I don’t know if I helped the only thing stopping her is the pain and grief her passing will inflict with her son and our mother the guilt of that is the only thing stopping her I don’t know who to go to, to seek help or how I can help

4 Replies 4


Hi Sammy,

Thank you for reaching out here tonight, We are so sorry to hear that your sister is in so much pain. We can understand why this conversation would leave you feeling so overwhelmed and anxious. Please know that we think you are a very caring sibling, and your sister is so lucky to have you supporting her through this difficult period.


It's important that your sister knows that if she feels unable to stop herself from acting on thoughts of suicide, that this is an emergency and she needs to contact 000 (triple zero).

You might find some helpful advice on our page "Worried about someone suicidal" https://www.beyondblue.org.au/the-facts/suicide-prevention/worried-about-someone-suicidal

If you feel up to it, we'd also recommend getting in touch with our Support Service which is available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or you can visit on our website www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport for online chat. One of our friendly counsellors will be able to give you some information and advice to help you and your sister. Hopefully speaking to someone will give you some peace of mind. 
We hope that you keep checking back in with us to let us know how you are going, whenever you feel up to it.


Community Member
Hi Sammy90. This would be very overwhelming. Sorry to hear you are feeling anxious and that your sister is in pain. I am sure you are doing your best to support and reach out for her.

Summer Rose
Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Sammy

Welcome to the bb forum.

I can remember feeling much the same as you-unprepared, scared and helpless-when my daughter once told me that she wanted to end her life. Everything you are feeling is to be expected. Just try to breathe.

It’s clear from your post that you love your sister. And I know that you would have done your very best to support her. Please don’t be hard on yourself.

It was very brave of your sister to share her pain with you and reach out for help. She will likely continue to need you. Sophie has given you some great advice and contacts for further help and I trust they will be of use to you.

The only thing I’d like to add is that you may choose to remind your sister that the horrible feelings she is currently experiencing can pass. It can get better. You must remember that, too.

Right now, it’s about getting through until professional MH help can be organised. Are you in a position to check on your sister?

Kind thoughts to you

Community Member

Hey Sammy90, welcome to the forums.

I'm very sorry to hear about you and your Sister, is she safe right now, and are you? As Sophie said, please call 000 and say you're having suicidal thoughts, as this would be an emergency if you're unsafe.

You're in a safe place here, but I hope you are both actually safe in person. As Summer Rose mentioned, you're being supportive of your Sister and I'm sure she appreciates that even if she's in hysterics.

Can she get anyone to help her right now - Emergency Services, a helpline, anything like that?

We're all here for you, and we hope you're both safe.