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My husband left me out of his decision to get help.

Community Member

I don’t know what to do, I have been with my husband for 17 years.
recently we lost our son, he has always had anxiety and depression but managed.
now he has begun to have delusions.. I can usually show him how he has connected the dots incorrectly.

he decided to get help but lied to me about seeing a psychologist and then lied about seeing a psychiatrist- the information he gave them wasn’t the truth and now they are convinced that there isn’t any issues except for the anxiety,

When I found out I asked if I could talk to the psychologist and I did but the professionals do not believe what I am saying and say things like: we already knew this but he knows it’s not true now... When he is talking to me at home he is convinced the things he thinks are true.

I am beyond angry and hurt and lonely and sad. I don’t know how to turn this around.

Now he is asking me to help him with his therapy and wants me to advocate for him and get him different medication etc. I feel like I can’t do this because he will not admit to them what is happening and as I haven’t been a part of it I feel like I am being set up.

I am not sure what to do next ?

1 Reply 1

Community Member


I have been reading your post since it was first posted but I wasn't sure how to reply. But I didn't want you to think that it had gone unnoticed.

I wish I could provide some solid advice for you. However I am still trying to navigate how to support a husband with mental health issues.

I think, if he is asking you to help...you could go along to his appointments with him and see what you can do from there? Perhaps both of you being at the appointment together speaking to the professionals might give them more of an idea of how things really are?

I hope you are doing OK. I know how hurtful, lonely and sad it can be to be shut out of helping your husband. Please stay strong and try to take care of yourself. And hopefully others will be able to give you some more solit advice and support on how to deal with this.