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My 40 year old brother

Community Member
He came up to me today and spoke something true for the first time today. He said he couldn’t sleep, these thoughts keep him up at night. He thinks about his life without friends. He is clinically depressed, has to attend a medical centre for his injections every week as part of a court order and I don’t know what to do. He is saying the dosage of injection is keeping him up at night. It breaks my heart, I don’t know how to create opportunities for him to meet people. He hasn’t spoken to strangers or even worked a day in his life. I’m scared.
2 Replies 2

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi safetyandstability,

First of all I would like to say that I can really see how much you care for your brother. Empathy (putting ourselves in someone else's shoes) can be a beautiful but also challenging thing because we can onboard the emotions onto our own shoulders. I speak from personal experience. In this case, I am really glad that you are reaching out on these forums. We are definitely non-judgemental and here to support you!

You mentioned the dosage keeping your brother up at night, has he ever tried anything like meditation or breathing exercises? If I'm having trouble falling asleep I usually find sleep music videos on Youtube and that usually works for me!

Here for you!

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi there safetyandstability,

I'm sure your brother is super appreciative you're there for him; the fact you are posting on this forum shows how much you care about him.

These situations are always exceptionally difficult, especially with family members. Speaking from personal experience, I find it is helpful not putting too much burden on yourself. Once you start feeling responsible for someone else's' happiness it can get really overwhelming. Does your brother currently see a psychologist? seeking professional help can be beneficial in learning different strategies/techniques to combat insomnia-related issues. It may also help him learn different ways to navigate potential friend-making social settings.

Remember to take care of yourself; and be kind to yourself!

You and your brother are in my thoughts x