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Isolation is fueling my friend’s depression and anxiety to dangerous levels

Community Member
Hi, my friend has suffered from anxiety and depression for 12 years. She has not worked for 10 years and the consistent isolation throughout the day has really taken its toll. She has fallen so low we cannot get her to engage in community groups to fill her day
She is suicidal and near house bound but is currently in a public hospital psych ward.
She lives in a share house with one other, but obviously people have their daily lives to live (work etc) so there is no avoiding the 8-10 hours in the day that she is alone. The hospital has arranged for her to be put on the a waiting list of a women’s rooming house but I am concerned for her safety there as each other resident potentially brings problems with violet partners or drugs.
My question is. Is there some kind of rooming house or accommodation services in Melbourne that cater for a more select group (eg, those with depression that need company). Or, does anyone know of a service to link similar people together to look at living together in a share house.
If there are no specific services and the rooming house proves too dangerous or unstable I thought perhaps finding another person who similarly needs company to share house with her.
Any suggestions would really be appreciated. She really resists community groups and has withdrawn so much I’m just not sure what to try next. She has great friends and family but after 12 years we are all exhausted and what we can provide is not enough (none can be with her 24/7 or even close to). 
2 Replies 2

Community Member

Not sure what to do about the housing situation, but maybe you could invite her to this website to talk about her issues. This way she won't have to go to any community groups and I've found that talking with people can make you feel slightly better if it's with people who actually understand and have been through the situation before. The people here are very nice and easy to talk to.


Sorry if I wasn't much help, best of luck and hope everything works out.

Hey, thanks. I certainly will be directing her here 😉

Even for myself it's been comforting to see the support available. She went extremely downhill yesterday but is still being discharged today. I hope we can keep her going till she catches her breath and gains a little strength to start clawing back.
