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How to i help my mum?

Community Member

Im new to this forum and definitely new to helping with anyone close to me diagnosed with depression. My mum had breast cancer earlier this year and had a mastectomy. She underwent radiotherapy and about two weeks to go of that my dad got sick. Mum was trying to do everything and then it hit her in the last month, lethargy, no interest in anyone and anxiety and feeling nauseous all the time. She went to the dr and they have given her medication.

I would like some advice on how to help her more. None of us live with her - she is 76. My dad is still in hospital so she doesnt have to look after him.

She knows she has an illness but what other methods can help her to recover or at least deal with it as the fact she feels this way gets her down as well. 

Thanks for any advice.... 

3 Replies 3

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hello jasper, that is a big blow for your mother and even though she doesn't have to worry about looking after your father at the moment, she must be feeling worried about him still, and also very isolated. A mastectomy is a very traumatic thing for a woman to go through at any age. I wonder if you can put her in touch with some breast cancer survivors groups maybe, it may help her to talk to other women who have been through this.  

Community Member

Hi Jasper,

You might like to check out ACAT (Aged Care Assessment Team) in your area. If your mother is cooperative and wants and needs help they will be able to supply the right connections. 



Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Hi Jasper,

It's so difficult to see the one's we love struggle. It sounds like you've been very brave in supporting your mum for some time now.

Jess and Grateful have suggested a couple of resources which would be worthwhile investigating. I also wonder if you have seen the resources available for carers, family, and friends on the Beyondblue website? You can find these under the resources tab, then select for family and friends. In addition to providing information to help your mum the resources also look at supporting yourself during this time.

Has your mum accepted that she has depression? Has she sought any help for this? It can often be easier to treat and recognise a physical illness rather than a mental or emotional one, so with the help of the resources I think your first step might be guiding her in the direction to get some emotional support from a trained professional - this can start with a trip to her GP.
