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Can’t get past what he did [trigger warning]

Community Member
Hello, am new here. Tuesday morning I woke up to find my husband of 44 years had walked out after I had gone to sleep. He just walked out with no ID, phone or anything. Left a note which was not very nice for me to read. He had walked for some 6 hours to reach where he was working part time to leave an apology note. He then continued walking into the city where he was found 14 hours after leaving home. Yes I am grateful he didn’t do what he intended but I just can’t get past what he did. I was beyond myself with worry but he can’t understand why I am so stressed out about it all. Anyone else gone through a similar thing?
13 Replies 13

Community Member

Grandy, Once again thank you. We have had a rough couple of days but things are getting better. Had a good talk last night and he decided to ring his doctor today to try and get to see a therapist before his next GP apt. After many phone calls he has an apt in a few days which has made him feel a bit less stressed.
I will check back in here after his apts and give an update.
Your kind words have helped me a great deal.
Many Thanks


White Knight, Your explanation of your earlier reply was not needed. In no way did I take your first reply as anything but helpful. You were kind enough to reply to me and believe it or not it did help me and I understood what you were saying. I am sorry that your mother was as harsh as she was with you. Obviously you have a better understand of situations than your mother did.

Thank you for your help and kind words. Please take care,


Community Champion
Community Champion

Hello Megem...

Thank you for your kind words...

I am so happy that you both could have a good talk and it sounds like he is listening to you...That is so good...

I really hope his appointment with the therapist goes good...and he gets the help he needs....he very much deserves it...It’s a hard place where he is..but I’m very hopeful with the help from his therapist and the love and care you have for him...he will be able to startbhis journey back towards wellness...

Megem....You have been through a very worrying and some traumatic time over the past week....Please lovely lady look after yourself and be very gentle with you...you are doing an amazing job of supporting your husband...if you feel you need help as well please reach out to your GP..for help...as you also need to stay healthy both physically and mentally to help your beautiful husband...

Looking forward to hear how things are going for you both..

My kindest and most caring thoughts alway dear lovely Megem,,,,


Hi Tony WK (and all other cyber supporters),

Thank you so much for your post. My situation is a first for me. Yesterday I had a call from a health professional to say my brother tried to commit suicide and left the hospital without being assessed. I went to his place, fearing the worst, but found that he was okay. I have set up all the support networks to start to get him the assistance he needs. He is open to this, which I am so grateful for. Your post has reassured me that I am supporting him the best way I can and that I responded to him in the correct way. Do you have any tips for me in supporting my brother going forward? His recovery will be long term and I want to make sure I support him the best way I can. Our relationship hasn't been strong in the past and I didn't know he was in such pain. Any feedback from anyone reading this is most welcome.