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Tonight my toddler unknowingly saved my life!

Community Member

I have been really struggling with self harm and suicidal thoughts for the past few months. When I was younger my stepfather committed suicide, because of this I know the devastation and heartache friends and family feel.

I don't want my friends and family to ever have to feel that way because of me and because of that I have been very open with my husband whenever I felt like I wanted to take my life.

Tonight was different, I didn't want to tell my husband, I didn't want anyone to stop me.

Long story short I couldn't handle living like this anymore, I knew my family would be hurt but in time they would be ok.

My daughter gave me a big cuddle and asked me if I was ok as she rubbed my back. I couldn't get words out. She then told me she will get me food to make me better.

I hate that she seem me like that but I am also so thankful.

She saved me!

She reminded me of my reason to live!

4 Replies 4

Hi Star **,

Welcome to the forums and thank you for sharing your story with us here. It takes a lot of courage to reach out for support, you also never know who will read this post and feel less alone in their own experiences. We are sorry to hear that you have been struggling so much recently, we understand this must be so overwhelming for you. Please know that you never have to go through this alone, and support is always here for you.

If you would like to talk to someone we would recommend that you get in contact with the Beyond Blue Support Service. They are available 24/7 by phone on 1300 22 4636 or on Webchat 1pm-12am AEST on our website: www.beyondblue.org.au/getsupport  One of our friendly counsellors will be able to talk through these feelings with you and can offer support, advice and referrals.

We also strongly urge that in overwhelming moments you get in touch with our friends at Lifeline (13 11 14) or the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467).

Please feel free to keep reaching out here on your thread whenever you feel up to it.

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hello Star, and a warm welcome to the site and thankfully you're still with us, we treasure that thought, even though we don't know you, we feel as though we already do, as you've come to the forum.

You have mentioned 'my family would be hurt but in time they would be ok', some people may agree with you, while others won't and depends on their own personal experiences, just like how your daughter has responded, and she must have known that you weren't feeling well and worried about what may have occurred and so pleased you could recognise this.

When a young one losers someone they dearly love, it may not be the sudden impact straight away but when they realise in time to come, that you are no longer with us, that's when they finally realise that they can't come to you for advice, just like they always have in the past, is when their sadness deepens and it's not easy to be strong enough to overcome this.

You have a special child who loves you so much and wonder if you have been or are receiving any help.

It would be lovely to hear from you because this situation has also happened to me.

My best thoughts.


Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Star**

Like Geoff, I warmly welcome you and wish to express how glad I am that you're still with us.

You are definitely blessed to have such a beautiful little anchor/angel in your life. Having someone who anchors us to life is so important when we're in the very depths of depression. When it seems we've entirely forgotten our value in this world, when we've lost sight of our true sense of self through the cruel perspective of depression, there is nothing quite like our child or children to help us remember a little of who we are...for a start, someone who is incredibly valuable.As a mum, my kids have taught me a lot.

My heart truly goes out to you as you face the overwhelming challenges that can come with depression. There is nothing that compares to the type of despair found in the depths of depression. From my own experience with depression (15 or so years which are now behind me), I can relate to how cruel depression can become. I'm wondering if you can relate: Just when you feel you have reached the bottom, the absolute depths, you find the next episode of feeling down tells you 'That wasn't the bottom, this is'. One of the reasons I mention this relates to you having always told your husband when you're at risk. Do you feel this management plan no longer works, based on your most recent experience? Do you feel you need a new plan now? Is your new plan to come here and chat with people who can really relate to how seriously tough depression can get? Perhaps, finding people who can relate and/or provide constructive resources will become positively mind altering in some ways. Maybe your new management plan can involve more than one thing. For example, the next time you find yourself in a state of true despair you may first look at your daughter for her to remind you of your value and then come here to have that reinforced and to try and make better sense of things. Even if you simply come here to vent at times, release the deep pain and tension.

Do you feel you need more intensive help these days, like with a professional in the field of mental health or do you feel coming here might be a good start in making some difference? Do you find there's anything in particular triggering you to feel down these days? Could be a number of things perhaps, even some you may not realise as being a factor.

Star**, feel free to return anytime. Even if you're not feeling completely down, still pop in if that's what you're feeling the need to do. Trust that feeling.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hi Star **,

Warm welcomes to the BB Forums. I'm really glad that you were able to make a post here and be with us. It's amazing how a simple act of kindness by the least strongest, can be the strongest and most needed for another. The loving bond between you and your daughter is amazing, and it melts my heart hearing about it.

I'm not sure what to say, but just wanted to let you know that I'm more than happy to listen and lend you an ear if you ever feel like venting or chatting. Looking forward to hearing from you again whenever you feel like it Star **.
