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Left worse after asking for help

Community Member

Asking for help when broken and distressed all people want to do is call the cops on you. It’s suggested many places talk to someone like doctor etc yet all that you get is when you try and talk and say how your feeling they just want to call cops on you and drag you to a mental ward. It leaves you not being able to trust anyone and more distressed an led distraught than when you started.
Just because you struggle with immense pain and you feel like you can’t take anymore saying even that has cops and ambos called on. Your just pushed from one post to the next like your a burden and problem that your crazy even accused of being dangerous yet all you have done is cry and be so frightened that you end up being so distressed you can hardly breathe. I’m not a violent or cruel person at all.
Asking for help has put me feeling so much worse because of how I have been treated from reaching out. It has made me feel more like the glass is about to break.
I don’t understand the constant mixed messages or just because you show emotions and get to a point where you are struggling with those emotions your treated like a no hope deranged person. Yet all you have ever been is kind, thoughtful loving and caring person.

i have never gone onto anything like this before so not sure if this is right or any good but it is my last try. I’ve tried everything else even psychologist who just ended up breaching my privacy and confidentiality without my permission. So I can’t trust anyone now that could link to my identity because I’m too frightened

I wish asking for help hadn’t cause me to feel worse. Had I been the only one with such bad luck

8 Replies 8

Community Member

Hi JStevens,

Thanks for sharing your story & having the courage to share it.

A few months back I felt exactly the same as you. First psychologist passed me to another psychologist, that psychologist recommended specialised trauma care & then I saw a psychiatrist who as soon as he met me wants to send me to hospital.

I was very distressed as my complex PTSD is a result of abuse from a medical professional so the thought of anywhere near a hospital terrifies. Let alone in a ward I can’t leave, surrounded by medical professionals.

in the end, I had to step up & tell the psychologist I would not go to the hospital & agreed to follow steps with her to keep me safe. I would be very traumatised after sessions & often left feeling suicidal. So she asked me to come up with a plan to help me through those times.

I ended up with quite a long list of stuff, from only having morning appointments with the psychologist so I had time to clear my head before bed, to reaching out to a peer support program where I have weekly calls with a therapist, to trying new hobbies etc. I won’t bore you with all the fine details.

oh, I also started on new meds & new doses with the psychiatrist which has played a big role too.

please remember, if you don’t like the doctor or don’t feel comfortable with them, you don’t have to continue working with them. It took me 3 psychologists to find someone I was comfortable working with.

But I can totally feel your distrust of people. I was at a point where I was even afraid to express my true feelings to anyone in fear of being pushed off to hospital.

it’s super hard to get through it, it’s mentally distressing but if you can find a way to improve your situation you may find people back off a little with calling the cops.

I found the peer support has helped me the most. It’s a therapist who has also been through mental health challenges. You can talk about anything you want & you can speak to the same person each time. There’s a few different places that do this, I’m using eFriend but I have seen ads for a place called being. I haven’t looked into them though so no idea what they are like.

If nothing else helps, please continue to share with us here. You will find many people who have had similar challenges or been in similar situations & can offer support.

Take care

Dear J,

Thank you for showing such bravery by sharing your experiences with us here today. We know it isn't easy but it is important. We're so pleased that you still keep trying to find the support that works for you. We're sorry for what you have been through when seeking support in the past and hope that the peer support offered by our valued, caring and understanding online forums community brings you comfort and support.

Here, users give and receive support to one another based on their own experiences with mental health, which may resonate with yours.

We want you to know we're here to provide you with as much support, advice, understanding and conversaton as you need.

While the peer support offered here is often quick, it's important to remember it is not immediate. For more immediate support perhaps you would like to try webchatting to the qualified mental health professionals at our Support Service? Webchat is available between 1pm and midnight AEDT every day via: https://online.beyondblue.org.au/#/chat/start

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Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni

Hi JStevens

I'm sorry to hear of your experience with the health care system- being rejected or not having the compassionate response we all deserve when we reach out and ask for help is frustrating, disheartening and distressing, as you say. Have you tried any other outreach since? Do you have a support network around you- could they help you find and approach a more suitable professional? We can help you harness your support network or help you navigate more appropriate, friendly professionals if you like. Of course, take all the time you need and know we are here to listen and help.


Thanks but I can’t do that web chat etc. it was difficult enough for me to try and figure this thing forum out.
I just don’t feel safe to say how I’m actually truly feeling right now and it just gets worse because I can’t feel that can talk to anyone truthfully about how I feel.
it’s frightening to feel so suffocating that there is no way out and your just tipped over board by professionals who label you the total opposite of helping you.
thanks though

You're welcome. Please keep reaching out here, among peers with similar experiences, whenever you feel up to it.



Hi JStevens

I'm sorry to hear that the webchat wasn't working out for you- did any of the other services work out? You can also keep using this thread to receive general support as Sophie_M said as well, if that what feels most secure to you right now.
