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I have posted and just an update

Community Member

I talked to a person on the hotline but I feel like I got reassured but no help at the same time I don’t feel like anything I do helps what should and what can I do?

1 Reply 1

On The Road
Community Member

Dear sky98, I'm sorry that you have mixed feelings about this, it is totally normal and many people including me have felt the same after calling the hotline.

I had a similar experience as I felt temporarily relieved after the chat, but also felt it didn't do much help afterwards. I think conversations on the hotline provide temporary reliefs, which won't just alleviate my pains and struggles but it gave me a sense of hope. It could take a much longer time for us to start to feel something works, to feel better. Does the person you talked to provide some information relevant? Such as what kind of support around you that you could access at the moment. 

Always welcome to share more here, whether you want to question, vent, or just share your thoughts. We are here to listen 🙂