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I am not completely suicidal, but I have had thoughts on wanting to die, and I think I’m struggling to cope.
Yesterday I had a break down (was throwing stuff around, & screaming), and cut most of my hair off. I completely regret it now, and it’s made me more unhappy.
I have a long history of stress & depression, and don’t feel like my head can handle anymore tension headaches.. already started to get tinnitus in my right ear.
The doctor wants to put me on an SSRI for my anxiety & depression.. does anyone know if anti-depressants work, or do they have bad side effects?
I reacted badly to one benzodiazepine, it made me more agitated.
Today I have considered an alternative treatment, and apparently it worsens anxiety.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, thanks
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Thanks for reaching out and keeping your friends on the forum updated on how you've been going. It sounds like you've taken a really big step in opening up to your doctor about how you've been feeling, and you've shown a lot of strength and courage in doing so. We're really sorry to hear that you're struggling right now, and we can hear that things must be feeling really difficult to cope with.
Please remember know that you don't have to go through this alone- and if you'd like a little bit of extra support tonight, we'd really encourage you to reach out to the friendly counsellors at our Beyond Blue Support Service (1300 22 4636), Lifeline (13 11 14), and the Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467). They may also be able to help answer any questions or concerns that you might be having surrounding medications.
We're all here to help you through this, and we hope you keep us updated on how you're going, whenever you feel ready.
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hi and perhaps you will find one answer in my reply and someone else's reply might be different...
some will say they do not work. Others will have a different perspective. It took me about a year to find the right medication that worked for me. I did try different medications at different levels as prescribed by my psychiatrist. I would keep notes of how I was feeling when taking the medication so that each time I saw her I would be able to describe whether it was working for me or not.
when I started seeing a psychologist I was not on any medication. Things changed after about 6 months and today ... the medication works as well as it can. By that I mean the one I take now is much better than the others I was taking. I will still have down days but the moods are not as extreme as before.
I hope that helps?
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Hello 24yearoldgirl...
I am sorry that you had a break down and your struggling so much...
I did the same a few years back with my hair..and was so upset after I had settled myself down...Your hair will grow back, I know those words aren’t very comforting, they did help me to understand that it will grow back...and it did...
I take anti depression, anxiety and psychotic meds...I have had no side effects at all from them..they are in the SSRI family...yet other people have had side effects... I think it depends on the individual and how the body reacts to them...
I can tell you that I fought myself for a long time not wanting to go onto meds...Since I did start, I haven’t looked back...they work very well for me...
24yearoldgirl...To settle your anxiety about taking the new meds...maybe if you feel up to ask your Dr. about your concerns..they should be only too happy to answer your concern...
Thank you for reaching out... Please talk here anytime you feel up to it...
My kindest thoughts with care..