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Who else likes gardening?
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Hi everyone
I hope you're staying well today.
Who else likes gardening? I would love to connect with people here who are happy to share their gardening adventures.
For me I know that gardening helped heal my soul during tough times. I hope it will again.
Then with other things going on, it became a jungle.
I'm part way into rediscovering it again and doing A LOT of hard yakka atm, when I am motivated.
I have new dreams and ideas to put into the many bare places, as I remove thickets of lantana etc. This will all be on a tight budget and I'm ok with that.
I want to create a peaceful place where I can be.
I would like to grow food again (tell 'er she's dreamin' atm lol).
I would like to re-establish my worm farms and compost heaps.
Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year in the garden.
I'm 'alone' in my gardening journey and would love to share and hear about other's gardening antics. Hopefully we can troubleshoot any issues in our gardens and talk about any healing we're feeling too. There's a lot of knowledge we can share. I hope this thread can brighten your day!
Love Ecomama
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People plant your gardens today, if you are not already. Buy as many seeds of vegetables fruits, flowers and medical plant that you can store or plant. Buy your best local soil and do not go to work, do not wash the dishes, do not study, go and tend to the garden, all else is less than futile.
They are spending 100 billion aud$ on nuclear warfare only 30 km from my home, the world is mad, only the gardeners will save us now.
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I have extended our vegie garden with another hours labour today, following wife's instructions.
I have a good old laugh at the following information... my local landscapers will deliver 1 ton of their high quality soil for $89.50. OR they will deliver 2 tonnes of the same soil for $59.00.
lol dng
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Hi happy BB gardeners!
So happy to be able to spend a WHOLE DAY in my garden tomorrow (I hope it doesn't rain!).
I have lots of photos to take as my kids and grandkids want to see it all lol.
We put up 3 shade sails, 1 in front garden, 2 in back. Just after a few days, my plants look so much happier, greener, less stressed.
Our huge Mystery Tree now has NO longs around it, I dug out the awful weed trees and it's ready to plant agapanthus I rescued from the curbside, last year during lock down, and had potted them up, to see if they'd thrive. They have.
So they're ready to plant out.
I also found a great spot for the awful plastic compost container lol. Right below the bath worm farm (that I'm yet to fully construct). It's hidden there, so all good.
My little liriopes I got on sale are root bound in their pots, so they have to be potted UP in bigger pots and / or planted out.
Need to plant my Arrowroot bulbs but just considering WHERE.
I also learnt about "Blue Spurflower" that can be used as (drum roll) loo paper! I think I might have some growing, so that needs to be planted down the back too.
My sons and I finally reconnected the front guttering PVC pipe to the front tank, cleared the gutters and tank top. So lucky it was before the rain came.
Found an awesome way to store all my pavers! Building a timber storage section in an unused spot. Ready to be picked up by anyone. So whenever I find more pavers, which is every day, I can add these to the walls of this structure and then take them away when needed. It's gonna be TALL lol.
Also thought I could use some of the steel beams to create terraces but yet to be seen lol.
I need to deconstruct the "Leaf Mould" in the front garden, it's just too ugly. The more I get things in order, the more this kind of stuff stands out and looks awful. Might do this when I create the bath worm farm, so I can use what's not yet decomposed in there.
Need to collect some Worm Farm worms from a Community Garden near my work BUT can't travel there during lock down so will need to wait until I return to work to collect my new babies lol.
After LD, hoping to get lots of muscle help to lift a huge work bench over my balcony railing and lower it down to the garden. I to put it in Mama's Cubby 🙂
Might even get to Bunnings in the next week to spend my birthday vouchers. Pretty exciting for me.
Have fun in the garden everyone!
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Hi all,
Em your garden sounds wonderful! All that work! It’s true that the more we do, the more we notice that needs doing. We refine our ideas, no longer accept the messy areas that used to be fine!
my H lives things tidy even in the garden. I let him whipper snip a bit, then found out he probably did exactly the right thing to deter the grasshoppers who were eating my seedlings! Maybe a bit of tidy is ok....
otferwise my garden is humming along. Some lettuce seedlings came up from the seed scattered, and the peas are still producing. The beans are getting bigger. Tomatoes nearly finished (they’ve been growing over winter). Kale is healthy and thriving- pity in the only one who enjoys it!
The carrots didn’t come up, sadly. I’ll need to protect the blueberries- more young berries appearing but the birds have had them all so far.
I planted all my plants purchased a while ago! Yay! Everything doing well....lavender, salvia, and oregano ,thyme.
Lillylane I’ve noticed lots of native bees on our Allysum over the years. They seem to love the tiny blossoms. Lots of natives are good. We lived on a macadamia farm and the owners had a native beehive - steady stream of workers at certain times of the day!
Salvias are wonderful for all bees.
I love spring- the birds are so busy building nests and eating my garden lol! But lots of flowers for them too.
I hung my old hammock in our mango tree- it shall be a good spot for bird watching.
Cheers all,
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Yeah it does em , really nice , cool , and escapism;ish
Bit of a shame really but when we first came to this place it was the real ugly duckling of the street but it had huge potential . l could see it all but unfortunately so many other priorities and time , l haven't been able to do much to it at all and l won;t get the chance from here on either now. l have planted some strategic trees though , and grass plants and Yucca . They'll all alone look beautiful in a few yrs time but atm she's still the ugly duckling.
Strangest thing is though , from day one as ugly as she was , it's always had incredible feel. l was just saying somewhere the other day stepping out into my yards here, is the biggest release and peace l've ever felt on a place and we've lived on acreage and all sorts.
Hoping the next owner can see it all too but have the time to create with it what it could truly be.
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Good morning happy BB gardeners!
Chime in any time to share your plant stories 🙂
Hey J*! your hammock in the mango tree sounds so relaxing ahhh lol. Sounds like you've had lots of yummies to eat from your garden, happy days! I gave up growing carrots, mainly because they're so cheap to buy. Peter Cundall said you have to till the ground very deeply to grow carrots, but that having the nutrients very deep so the carrots seek these, then a sandy loam above it.. yeah too complicated for me lol.
Aha I hear you're SHARING stacks with the wildlife! hahaha. We do too, it is what it is.
Hey randomx!
Are you considering moving house now?
Amazing how a certain property can just have "good vibes" about it. Ours doesn't lol, but it WILL! hahaha.
Being an Artist you must have a good eye for strategic placement of plants?
Very helpful lol.
I saved some Agave "pups" from the curbside years ago and placed them out the front near the road. A Feng Shui thing to keep negative energy away. Also nothing grew under huge conifers there. The ground had become allelopathic. Well they're over a metre wide now, so food for thought there lol.
Yes Lillylane, J* mentioned Allysum - the sweetest little plants! People say once you have them, there's no getting rid of them but they disappeared out of ours. I love them, thanks for reminding us about them!
Thanks for popping in peeps! Great to hear what's going on in your green spaces.
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Hey BB gardeners!
Been busy in my garden, feeling exhausted today lol.
The front courtyard looks lovely and everyone's noticed which is nice.
Feel a bit wobbly about dealing with the top garden, had some unwanted visitors lately so yeah. Maybe today I can do that.
Spent SO MUCH time in my back garden and it's beginning to look FANCEE now lol!
Ooops sorry J* I meant to say something other than trellis a while back... can't think of the word atm but our passionfruit is growing up into a pyramid shaped structure and that helps the FANCEE look lol.
I weeded 5 x 11L buckets of selected weeds (not all) from my garden. Then whipper snipped and, my fave, LEAF blew everything lol.
My water tank is empty 😞 Rain dance now lol.
I cleared ALL around my Faraway Tree, hopefully it will leaf up soon!
Planted agapanthus all around the base (saw this in high falooting homesteads and love that look).
I dug out 3 x 11L buckets of soil from a blocked drain. Got too dark to keep on (few spiders too ugh).
I could use this yummy black soil to plant the agapanthus which was helpful. Had to brick around these as the Turkeys are still rampant!
I like the idea of mass plantings giving impact, so will work on this. Doing this all for free is the major challenge 🙂
Looks like I have to cut down the HUGE conifers up the front, myself. They're growing too close to power lines now so yeah.
Sadly, this will expose my front garden. I have VERY NOSEY neighbours grrr. Almost zero privacy after this.
Won't remove them until my CCTVs are all working.
BUT my liriopes planted all out there will make it a spiky trip to come through there (lol) OR a different screening plant I'll have to propagate.
Need to plant my liriopes up in bigger pots so they're ready to go in a year or so.
J* after reading your post I realised the biggest problem in my garden now is the removal or use or storage of building materials or rubbish depending on my view lol. I need to visit the metal recyclers but getting it all in my car at the right time is a HUGE issue.
Otherwise it's GORGEOUS lol.
Doing lots of car trips today and work!
Then might get a moment in my garden this arv - which means hours until dark lol.
Happy gardening everyone!
Love EMxxxx
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I walked in a garden today Laratinga wetlands and took a heap of photos. Very nice place, bees and birds, mums and kids, only 1 male in the whole place other than me, and he was clearly a grandfather with his grandson.
I watched my blackbird pair patrol the main vegie bed, up and down, up and down they patrolled like clock work guards for 5 minutes, then flew onwards to the next station.
Right now a possum is screeching its noise, love that one whom guards the north side of the yard.
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Hiya em.
Yep don't worry em it will . With your beautiful family and self , our Bt's helping you out haha , and all your hard work, how could it not eh. And ah yessaa, forgot the girls and the palace too of course
My new trees , thanks for that tell ya they'll look stunning in a few yrs time, in the simplistic sense l mean , not all flash and manicured , free and scattered. The only two originals were the ugliest things you ever saw too but l reshaped them and saved them and these days one in particular is just a beautiful small tree now and just weeps summer shade over our new little porch . Really proud of this tree it's taken 5yrs to fill out and grow into it's new shape , it's just a small weeping bottle brush about 5mtrs high. Gorgeous now though and always full of birds.
Hi D , ha , it's always upsetting when l've had to get rid of possums l love those guys, busy little fellas. But all their partying in the roof ends up just pushing me too far haha.
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Hey everyone, nice to hear of your garden / nature escapades.
I think people around me at least are suffering from NDD - Nature Deficit Disorder (lol). People seem to be kinda losing their grip.
Hallelujah my Rain Dance WORKED lol!
I like when it rains at NIGHT then I can work the soft soil in the day time.
Tanks not quite full yet but happy for what we got. yay!
Sounds like a beautiful area DNG, nice to explore.
Sounds sweet rx, LOVE how trees can give us so much shade over areas we love to sit and relax in.
My "stately" home DEMANDS cultured and cropped but it ain't getting it! LOL!
I do what I want to do and it's too bad hahaha.
I ended up spending SO much time on the front Courtyard and way up to the road that it looks amazing and I can't quite believe it really. My kids buy STACKS of online purchases and the delivery people have all said WOW, this all looks so much better lol.
Glad others can appreciate it!
Well rx my girls in their Chook Palace, hmmmm I may have some finance coming through to help build the cabin!
I have NO IDEA how we'll move the Palace or WHERE we can move it to yet!
Their palace is right smack bang in the cabin's spot lol.
I've asked my sons to help me move 2 steel beams from the side of the house to outline the proposed side path for the cabin, then on closer inspection yesterday there were FIVE steel beams there UGH!
More buried way down the back that Papa BT No 2 uncovered with his scratching, omg. Damned demon bringing home all this "stuff"!
Anyhoo it was pleasant to "get my own back" internally when I collected the mail last night and the property prices have jumped AGAIN. lol.
Yesterday I weeded more, always more to do! Happily the chickens love eating these weeds.
I also moved a huge pile of garbage.
Burnt lots of untreated, rotted timbers from the pile.
Took the garbage up the front as we're having a Council collection of all sorts next week.
Hid other stuff between the tank and the fence.
FOUND 3 PVC pipes and other materials that could come in handy for the cabin build yay! Will store them in the rafters for now.
Need to cut down 3 tall dead pines. Remove so many stumps... hard yakka.
Have to dig out the other steel beams ouch. Numerous trees too.
Hopefully our new fence is built by Christmas! Freaking LONG fence.
Getting there, wherever "there" is lol.
Happy gardening everyone!
Love EMxxxx