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Who else likes gardening?
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Hi everyone
I hope you're staying well today.
Who else likes gardening? I would love to connect with people here who are happy to share their gardening adventures.
For me I know that gardening helped heal my soul during tough times. I hope it will again.
Then with other things going on, it became a jungle.
I'm part way into rediscovering it again and doing A LOT of hard yakka atm, when I am motivated.
I have new dreams and ideas to put into the many bare places, as I remove thickets of lantana etc. This will all be on a tight budget and I'm ok with that.
I want to create a peaceful place where I can be.
I would like to grow food again (tell 'er she's dreamin' atm lol).
I would like to re-establish my worm farms and compost heaps.
Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year in the garden.
I'm 'alone' in my gardening journey and would love to share and hear about other's gardening antics. Hopefully we can troubleshoot any issues in our gardens and talk about any healing we're feeling too. There's a lot of knowledge we can share. I hope this thread can brighten your day!
Love Ecomama
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So jealous of the leaf blower, EM! I only have a teeny yard. I reckon if I had one, I’d be doing the whole street!
Gambit, what a lovely name for a plant - sounds gorgeous already!
Well I’m a bit sad that my Kings Park Royale kangaroo paw died. I read they’re very susceptible to fungus. It was such an unusual pretty colour.
In better news - I ate my first peas today!!! 4 little peas in the pod and boy were they yummy! How exciting lol
Happy gardening all 🍃
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Awww commiserations Gambit, it's hard to prune stuff. Hugs.
YAY Katy!! You GO GIRL!
That's VERY exciting news and I'm so very proud of you persisting with growing them.
RIP Kangaroo Paw, so sad.
I can't grow Kangaroo Paws to save my life lol.
But I;m FANTASTIC at growing lantana hahahaha.
I was SHOCKED to see it for sale online the other night - MAJOR GRRR.
Anyhoo I can move on.
Oh yeah I WOULD BE JEALOUS of my leaf blower too!
I actually HAVE leaf blown the street out the front! The street gutters, pipes and anything I can lol.
I even used it to blow out our hallway the other day LOL!
The kids had NO IDEA what I was doing, but aha... they worked it out.
My list of garden projects is getting longer.
I'd LIKE to re-pot those Liriopes on the weekend but may have to work instead.
I'll try to take "time in lieu" if I do - and get to some of these wonderful garden jobs.
Another thing I need to do is to MOVE those mini garden beds and a bigger one my friend gave me, to way down the back out of sight for now.
If I'm super lucky I can pull out more weeds down there in prep.
But have to level out the soil somewhat first.
I am LOVING seeing my Nectarine tree blossom it's sweet mauve and pink coloured flowers right now.
Such a pretty sight to see from my balcony where I work from.
I have an "Outdoor Office" lol.
If I'm inside for too long I get NDD - Nature Deficit Disorder lol.
Love EM!
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Wife says she can't grow Kangaroo Paw either. sadface.
Our yards remain a running water kinda of swampy thing.
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Ha! NDD indeed! I’m supposed to be starting prac soon, and I’m happy to report that the supervisor already told me she loves to take breaks and go hug a tree lol. I’m very on board with that 🙂
My two other roo paws seem ok dng - fingers crossed hey?!
Well at last count I had 100 pot plants but there’s been some in and some out, so time for a recount, I think. Rent inspection coming up so a bit of a reshuffle and some tlc is probably a good thing 🙂
Happy weekend all 🌧
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Good evening happy gardeners!
Katy 100 POT PLANTS wow! You GO GIRL lol! I LOVE the idea of that. Huge smiles.
I can see not everyone's happy with things in their gardens atm but as all long living gardeners know, resilience is a key element we need to bounce back and try again!
From too much rain to too little rain = Australia!
I keep thinking Papa BT couldn't make his mound ANY bigger, then it gets bigger lol. He's done an amazing job of clearing SO MUCH stuff in my garden everywhere lol. I'm grateful for him!
I have LOTS of plans but too little time during lock down. My work hours are beyond ridiculous. Hoping my bosses DO change things for me (my Union will say they HAVE TO) so I can have some breathing space, esp on my WEEKENDS.
I DID move my gleaned garden beds way down the back.
Planning a HUGE cast iron fire pit right in the centre, so need to leave a lot of space lol... way over there>>> to put these beds.
I'm saving pizza boxes and other similar cardboard to lay in the bottom of the beds.
Put soiled straw from my chicken's roosts into them too. It can all compost IN them. No other food compost just the chicken's straw. Then the finished composts on top.
If I start soon, it'll compost down well and I'll be able to plant some SEEDS for the first time in forever.
Take my gorgeous trellises OUT of the chook shed and free up space there.
Protecting these beds from wildlife will be a task and a half.
Hope I can FILL my green bin tomorrow "after work", if my work finishes on time that is, otherwise it would be the first time in 3 years my green bin wasn't full ready for collection. That would make me GRRR lol.
I decided to begin pulling apart my huge round logged tree surrounds, as long as I can replace these with the old bricks at the same time.
I'm giving the timbers to families that need it for warmth. There's plenty there for them to take already. That makes me happy.
What are you doing in YOUR garden lately?
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Hi all,
Can pick up tips for the garden whilst reading in here.
I have now pulled up the remaining almost dead pumpkin vine from our backyard. I came across a few itty bitty pumpkins. I have few stored in our laundry now. I left a small amount of the stem on each. I also gave many pumpkins away.
I have planted some kale and marigold seedlings. Might be the wrong season, I don't know. But I found them in bunnings. I am wanting to eat more kale. I will see how it goes. Also found a plastic bag that had sugar cane mulch in it. It was under some stuff. Properly been there for a few years. Half of it was decomposed and it had lots of "soil loving worms in it" So I used this to plant the kale in.
Hoping to start making some raised garden beds soon. Just want to have a go at growing yummy vegetables. Plus I want to plant a lemon and a mandarine tree. Read that Mark suggested dwarf citrus. My sister has dwarf mandarines. It is such a nice looking tree and sort of looks formal. It had very sweet mandarines on it.
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Hey Shelll!
What a gorgeous FIND, your half decomposed sugar cane mulch! Like a 50 / 50 of great garden food lol.
Well done YOU unearthing that hidden treasure lol.
Growing citrus sounds great! I don't have experience of Dwarf plants but MARK does!
They are very sweet and the scent of the blossoms is wonderful.
Love the idea of Kale and Marigolds. I'm sure they'll enjoy living at your place lol.
Sounds like you have PLANS.
I have NO veg growing that I know of... it's been years since I've planted any.... yes I have surprise cherry tom vines. And Cape Gooseberries that taste like tomatoes.
What veges do you like to eat?
Love EM
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Hello Em, wave to everyone,
I ordered some plants online yesterday...they are for indoors as I want some greenery inside... I do already have an African Violet in my kitchen... it seems to do well for a while... then it struggles... then it comes good again... I've not had much luck with indoor plants in the past... keeping fingers cross these ones last... two of them are air plants... I've not tried them before.
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Yeah it was a good find hey Em...
I like lots of vegetables. Tomatoes, corn, green beans, zucchini, beetroot, peas lettuce, cauliflower, capsicum. Too many to list. Fresh corn on the cob is properly my favourite. Yummy.
Never tried Cape gooseberries. Cute name though.
Hey Paws. I have 1 indoor plant that seems to grow well. It likes dabbled light inside. It's a peace lily. It has glossy biggish leaves and occasionally gets white flowers on it. Not sure if it's safe for dogs, might be. I don't know. I too want to grow some more indoor plants. Mainly ones that help remove toxins and pollution from the air inside the house.
Air plant. Does it have soil? Never have grown a voilet. But mum has. So many ones with beautiful colours.