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Who else likes gardening?
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Hi everyone
I hope you're staying well today.
Who else likes gardening? I would love to connect with people here who are happy to share their gardening adventures.
For me I know that gardening helped heal my soul during tough times. I hope it will again.
Then with other things going on, it became a jungle.
I'm part way into rediscovering it again and doing A LOT of hard yakka atm, when I am motivated.
I have new dreams and ideas to put into the many bare places, as I remove thickets of lantana etc. This will all be on a tight budget and I'm ok with that.
I want to create a peaceful place where I can be.
I would like to grow food again (tell 'er she's dreamin' atm lol).
I would like to re-establish my worm farms and compost heaps.
Autumn is such a beautiful time of the year in the garden.
I'm 'alone' in my gardening journey and would love to share and hear about other's gardening antics. Hopefully we can troubleshoot any issues in our gardens and talk about any healing we're feeling too. There's a lot of knowledge we can share. I hope this thread can brighten your day!
Love Ecomama
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Mr Jam Maker Mark, wow, you are amazing at making the most out of foods you see and have growing! That's so great.
Thankyou for sharing. It'd be nice to get a recipe or too once we have some excess produce. For now I'm still clearing lantana lol oh and so many other major jobs. Lopping trees is a huge job and I'm overwhelmed by this. Today I decided to get a recommended tree lopper and ask him to hire a mulcher tooboot. I already have about 5 stories of lopped tree branches and the piles are everywhere, driving me a little crazy. Our green bin just won't cut it lol.
I am preparing for a Council Green Pick up but that's too much work too.
I'm so keen to get growing and the energy I'm expending on the "issues" is not so pleasant. But I will persevere. Imagining your garden, Mark, is something to be inspired by, thankyou for the inspiration!
My nana taught me how to blanche excess veg & freeze them for the off seasons. I'm sure there are plenty of directions on the net nowadays. I've got some combinations that I love to cook together too like tomatoes, roasted and cooked in a pot + basil + onions + zucchini. Once cooked you can put the mix in a plastic container with a lid and freeze them for winter soups or pasta. I love re-using Chinese take-away containers washed well. They stack well in the freezer too. I use whiteboard markers to label.
Happy gardening!
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Hi EM I have over 60 jam recipes that I make.I use to win awards with my Mulberry jam and Roselle jam to.I have in the pass blanched and put my excess vegges in the freezer and had bottling outfit that I use to bottle a lot of fruit and some vegges.
You have been busy in the garden.I one property I owned had a heap of lantana that I cleared and planted fruit trees in its place mostly mangoes.That would be great to have all that mulch to use on your garden when you get your pruning all munched.
My deciduous trees are just starting to lose their leaves.They seem to be a bit slower this year.It been still really nice here with the odd cold day.
I have two persimmon trees ordered and will get them in early spring.I don' know where I am going to plant them yet.They are one of my favourite fruits and my mum had one in the backyard when I was growing up and the first house I bought had one that use to get loads of fruit.I use to make persimmon icecream out of them.
Tale care
Happy gardening,
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Hi bluenight and welcome to a totally sharing thread!
Oh yeah there are Community allotments out there with waiting lists, which is good and not so good. I hope more land is allocated where there's a clear need.
I actually meant a Community Garden in the way that there's a shared garden. We have quite a few in our area. Anyone at all can go pick whatever they like, usually 24/7. You can get as involved as you like or just enjoy the pickings! Some have workshops which I have run, on subjects like companion planting, organic gardening, worm farming (my fave lol), composting in lots of different ways etc.
Another awesome thing to do is to seed save. You can end up with a garden of food with so little cost if any. Some areas have seed savers groups. Some seed saving groups are within Permaculture Groups. Pretty fun actually.
Another free thing to do is to make 'teas'. E.G. You can use your weeds and grass cuttings to make a great nitrogen rich fertiliser for free. I use an 11L bucket with a lid and fill it full of green waste, then fill with water. You can keep adding green waste as it decomposes down and leaves some room. Beware this is rich stuff! Wear old clothes lol. You only need about a cup of this in a 9L watering can and use it every 3 weeks or so on any nitrogen loving plants. It's called "Weed tea", yum! You'll realise how rich this is when you go to use it, it smells exactly like cow manure.
When I've planted seedlings or seeds, I also get seaweed from a local boat ramp car park. I wash the salt off in my garden then do the same as above in an 11L bucket with lid. This yummy recipe is called "Seaweed tea" lol exotic names. Same ratio for use.
Thankyou for reminding us about horse manure too Mark! So many stables, agistment studs etc are begging for people to take this away. Some may even deliver. I prefer to use this in my compost as it really speeds things up in there.
What are anybody's plans for their gardens this week? I'm going to organise my gardener for next week I hope and a tree lopper and mulcher... though I found out about a lady giving succulents and other plants away for free, I may chase that up too, we'll see.
Happy gardening!
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Hi Em i dont think its going to be a great weekend for being out in the garden as we have had a cold snap hits us here and it is windy and freezing at the moment.I was going to try and clean up my vegie garden a bit.Pull the melon and pumpkin vines out and get another bed ready for planting.We had some rain yesterday so it will probably be muddy in there.I love having a vegie garden.Just before i am going to cook dinner i go out into the vegie garden and pick what i need.
In my garden the leaves on the deciduous are changing colour and falling to the ground preparing them selves for the cold and the frost to come.A whole different look about the garden in winter.
Happy gardening everone.
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Hi everyone,
Hope it's ok I post to save this thread to read. I love gardening. I like reading about your gardens.
Has anyone considered blogging to record your progress? I joined WordPress and there is a huge community of gardeners worldwide who share photos and write about gardening. There is a post called Six on Saturday where people share links to six photos from their garden. I look forward to it every week.
We have 5 acres so lots of work to do. Mark have you thought of putting an ad asking if someone would share their garden in return for half of your crops? I saw a program in the UK where people who have land but aren't into gardening connect with gardeners who need a plot and allow them to use the garden. It's free and everyone wins. Just an idea.
Happy gardening all.
❤ Nat
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Oh Mark, I smile SO BIG when I read about your garden. I love hearing about it all & your musings of the change of seasons too. It is a BEEEAUTIFUL time of the year in Autumn, even if it is a bit rugged weather wise lol.
I bought the most awesome steel capped boots to garden in recently. I LOVE THEM! I wear them to the shops! My last pair fell apart after 10 years so I definitely bought the same brand, a great Aussie company too which makes me happy. My gumboots are too cold to wear in these seasons.
But HAPPY DAYS seeing my faraway tree go full Autumn. It's so pretty. I love it too. I'll cut to the chase by saying I pretty much love everything in my garden.
Does anyone else make a leaf mould with their Autumn leaves?
I'm definitely making one this year. You need 3 or 4 star pickets and some chicken wire or shade cloth and cable ties. Stake pickets in a square or circle shape. I always make a 'door' on one of the sides to release it after it has composted down from the same length of chicken wire. All you have to do is keep piling the leaves on, nothing else. They break down really fast and the black soil made from it is unbelievable. Mine attract worms you'd mistake for snakes, they're so big. So if I can get to the worms and save them from my chickens, then I do.
My leave starts today, woohoo! In the first week I have to do boring accounting work, plus start with my new psych and have a counselling appointment too, plus kid's stuff.
BUT IN THE SECOND WEEK and onwards watch this space.... okay not THIS space, one further down a bit lol.
I'm getting a quote from a new treelopper to trim lots of trees for compliance and waterviews lol.
I'm going to ask him to mulch everything too, which I've never done, nor had paid people before this year.
I need the help for my MH. Seriously. Lantana could do anyone's head in lol.
I'm also employing my gardener about once every 9-10 days or so. Or when he can. Just for this 2 month's leave.
I'm finally growing grass again after having lots of chickens for years. I only have 4 left now and they are too snobby for grass lol. So I have to get a MOWER, Lordy me. Sighhh.
MAYBE just maybe, I'll get a handyman to build a door frame once I cut a wall out of my destroyed above ground pool. I'm making a greenhouse out of it. I would love to have this set up by Spring. I'll see how my finances go.
I'm taking half pay to stretch out my leave and the kids just keep eating! They're pretty awesome, so I'll keep 'em.
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Hi Nat, you are MOST CERTAINLY very welcome to save this thread and share your garden capers too.
5 acres... woah, I'm tired just thinking about that lol.
About the online posting pics etc... my daughter and I are hoping to start Vlog. I think I'm probably on my own with it really, she's doing so much Uni and for years more. But her heart will break if I do it without her so IDK.
For now, I'm triggered by a lot of stuff so I'm getting more help and hopefully I can do what I'd like to do, free of the yuck stuff.
It's nice to finally feel excited about gardening again, sharing here has helped change the tune of my thoughts actually. I'll move further afield in the online world in time.
So Nat, do you grow fruits? anything else you like to do in the garden?
I'll be restraining myself from gardening for a week or so whilst I tackle financial jobs etc. I might need the physical outlet at times, but it'll be more or less maintenance tasks.
Does anyone else find that 90% of their work in the garden is taken up by maintenance jobs? I so much prefer the creative side but alas, barely ever get to those.
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Hi Em and everyone else reading this.I am still in bed and it is still dark outside and it is 6 am in the morning.I am listening to the birds all singing and talking as a new day begins.
The leaf mould sounds great.I have never thought about making one.I usually pick my leaves up with a mower and put them in the compost bin.
I think gardening is mostly matinence and thats what i love.I like you going to give something a little prune and you end up with a huge pile of prunnings.It is propbably the weeding i don't really enjoy especially when they take over after some rain.
I really enjoyed hearing about how much you enjoy your steel cap boots and wear them everywhere.My steel cap boots are covering dust as i hardly wear them these days.I use to be a barefoot gardener but these days i put on a pair of rubber clogs just so i dont get the khakie prickles in my feet.
A very creative person you sound em.I like the idea of a greenhouse made out of your old above ground pool.I am really into recycling and reusing and repurposing things.
Every year on the first of May that was the day i move into here i take photos of my garden in the same spots and post them on facebook in my special album for them and like looking at the changes in my garden and how things i have planted have grown.It is interesting looking back on them.
Happy gardening,
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Dear Mark
oh how lovely your first sounds in the morning are and what an amazing amount of foresight you had to take photos on the SAME date and from the SAME places each year wow! It's great you saved them somewhere and you can look back at them lol.
Atm I can hear kookaburras laughing in the bush nearby. I don't see nearly as many magpies, I just realise.
We have an over abundance of Brush Turkeys here lol I love them but boy they make gardening a challenge.
One we named because she thought she was one of my chickens! She slept with them INSIDE my house and is a real character.
Thankyou for giving me another perspective on maintenance. The trees are too much for just me to manage and it's a bit depressing seeing so much of that work to be done. I really need to be here when the next tree lopper comes to cut things. The last ones did 2 days work, when I was at work, and they butchered my trees. They DID lop the trees I wanted cutting but they did it in exactly the opposite way to as I asked. I think they killed 6 so I'm disappointed, but if I ever have the money to put a cabin in down the back then that would have helped.
Reusing and recycling is my a fundamental here too. I decided to use alot of the thick branches cut off, to make borders around some gardens. I have to saw off all the other bits to make them more presentable lol. But the kids thought it looked lovely in the front garden, so that makes me happy. It's only a little courtyard area in the front. I have plans but that's for later on.
I was so excited yesterday when a psych at work offered to bring me succulent cuttings from her garden! They're unusual too, so they'll be great for some pots I picked up from someone throwing them all OUT! Couldn't believe it frankly, but he's happy I took them and I'm happy to have them. More projects lol.
Down the back I'm using the branches to border my fruit trees. There's very little grass growing atm but when it does, it gives a guide for the mowing. Also it's a sloping garden. I want to capture any goodness and water around the tree root's boundaries, so I've put a wall type thing of branches on the lower side. This also helps deter the chickens and turkeys from making a total mess, they can't budge the branches!
This week is my inside work week, so (lol) I'll only aim to fill the green bin and rake some autumn leaves. And scrub the porch from the chickens messes and... it goes on!
Happy gardening!
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Hi Em I like how you could hear Kookaburras laughing.As a child we use to put meat on the kitchen windowsill for the Kookaburras who use to be waiting on the clothesline and then use to fly up and grab the meat.I don't see to many here but i do have a lot of magpies here as well as lorrikeets and wrens and grass parrots and all sorts of different birds as well as crows.Where i use to live their was a lot of bush turkeys and one had a mound nest in my yard and yes they do make a nest of the garden.I don't have any here.
Talking about recycling i make plant tags out of aluminium cans.I cut them up and punch a hole in them and use a pen to put a indentcation on them when i write so its permanent.I usually tie them on my fruit trees and roses and put the name and variety and rootstock and date i planted it so i know what i have that is growing well.
I find gardening is good for my mental health though i got to force my self to get outside some times even just to walk around the garden.You.and others on here are getting me inspired to get out in the garden.Thank you.
Happy gardening,
