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What gives you comfort.?

Community Champion
Community Champion

We often think about what upsets us, 

what makes us feel uncomfortable 

what makes us sad,


I would like to talk about what gives comfort what makes us feel comfortable.

someone had knitted a woollen rug for me and it feels soft and comforting. If I feel upset I wrap myself in the blanket. 

I find when people really listen to me and understand me it gives me comfort. 

What gives you comfort .?

19 Replies 19

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Valued Contributor

Spending time in my garden doing fussy things. I felt very comforted knowing I was alone and feel good that I wasn't disturbed. 

Community Champion
Community Champion

Thanks everyone for your answers.

I have found comfort in old movies sinceI have  had covid.

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey quirky, are you feeling okay? I've been worried about you, but see you still posting here and there which means you're well enough to keep visiting the forums at least. Internet HUGS! 


Which old movies have you enjoyed? 


Warm, comfortable clothes give me comfort. Being WARM at all does too lol.


Love EMxxxx

Are you better now Quirky?   I adore old movies.....I am getting older myself...I can't quite believe the Number I will turn in couple of months.  How did I survive this far?   I have just finished a lot of work..yes I took it up again on a casual,now and then basis...and I am so very tired.   It is exhausting me more as I get older.  Then I feel guilty that I am now rushing around cleaning the house, which is now painful with my body aches and pains.

I don't know the answer.  Older people I know are being diagnosed with certain things, suffering, dying...is this what awaits me?  

what is the point of trying so hard to live a good life?  It all just comes to nothing..just dust, slowly crumbling away until it's hard to even walk, or enjoy anything.   Older age should not be like this...it should be a celebration of making it thru such a long way.  such a long, confusing, ghastly, beautiful, shiny, dirty, puzzling, enlightening, journey seems pointless if we all just end up as dust or ashes......I want so much to contact someone on the other side....do people stilll have seances?  where can I buy a Ouija Board? 

How do I talk to departed loved ones?  I have things to tell them.  I want them to talk back to me.   If they loved me, why don't they let me know?   Stay strong Quirky.  sending love.....xxx

Oh Quirky...i went severely off topic didnt i?  Sorry everyone. I thought i was on your other thread....please forgive. I just went off on an unstoppable tangent. Perhaps I am going crazy. What's that you say people? Oh that's right...we're all crazy here....but we can give each other comfort. ...that's what we all need right now...xxx

Community Champion
Community Champion

Quirky, I hope you're doing well, sending you big love from here regardless 🙂


I'm loving reading through what brings everyone else comfort. This thread in itself is comforting. 


Spending time in my own company doing things that I love brings me the most comfort in the world. The forums bring me a lot of comfort too, scrolling through gives me the chance to disconnect from whatever stressful things are going on in my life. It's therapeutic to help and support others. 




thanks for your post. 
yes I get comfort from writing here and reading others posts.

Community Champion
Community Champion

EM I  am fine.

I love love affair 1939 and Bette Davis Cary grant most movies from the 1930s 1940sand1950s. 

This week I am spending time with grandchildren. I find them very comforting and tiring. 

Valued Contributor
Valued Contributor

Hey everyone, nice to read about what gives everyone comfort. 


I love snuggling up in my fleecy dressing gown when the nights are crispy. This gives me comfort. 
Watching mama Poss eat her pear pieces gives me comfort too! Knowing her and her baby are being nourished each night gives me comfort and a few chuckles too! 


Love EM