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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Hello dear Mrs D,

It is so very challenging to keep going when we are struggling, isn't it. Countless times this in my own life has led me to cry out to God in desperation saying "I can't do this life anymore. I simply can't".

Anyways I am glad you got out to walk and it sounded like a mini adventure walking out in the gale and rain. Invigorating just like you said.

This bon fire, is that all it is, like a burning off of branches and stuff? Like it's just a practical thing that is done. Just wondering if you cook potatoes in foil, or marshmallows in it is all?

What did the old house look like inside, the one for sale? That is something I would do as well. Not sure why, just curious like you. What are the prices for houses out where you are? They are pretty expensive in some of the areas around me.

Here is hug if you will accept it Mrs D. Wish I could bring some real joy and peace into your life.

Community Member
Just been walking on the breakwater path today and the other days. I really like walking in this season and in winter. Reason being I love to feel my face chilled but the rest of my body warm. Out at the ocean, you feel the breezes coming off the water. The only time I am less keen to walk out there, is when the breeze is not a breeze but something else and sand blows on you big time . Blows in such a way it stings any bare skin. Think I may buy a beanie just with the eyes cut out of it. Might work in those big time stinging sand walks.

And Mrs D, sorry about all the questions I asked you. There seems to be a lot. Feel free not to answer.


Hi Dear Shell,

I will accept your hug thanks and your kind words. I will respond to your questions later.

We just found out today that it is extremely likely that a major truck route and highway is going to be constructed right out the front of our house!

I struggle with the nearby highway now let alone having it at our front door!

Who is going to want to buy our house if we try to sell?

If we can't sell, the noise will send me more insane than it does now. I will have to go for a drive just to go for a walk and for some peace and quiet.

I feel so defeated and like life just keeps throwing crap my way.

Community Member

I am sitting on a seat at the local train station. Waiting for someone. Just walked down here.

The last of the coal carriage train thingy went on by me. So squeaky and rattly. They have sooo many carriages.

It's beautiful sitting here. Nice and sunny on my face. Looking up, I see a paddock with about 8 black cows. Gosh those trains that don't stop here so quick. I was not expecting it at all. There were pigs in this paddock before, I don't see any today though.

I can here the freeway traffic not far from my seat.

The walk down here is 1km or so not. Gosh another train speed on by. Hopefully the next one the person who I am meeting will get off it.

Anyways the walk down felt invigorating as the breeze was cold on my face. I walked past the primary school and noticed they had citrus trees growing there. They had quite a few raised gardens. One with some vegetables in it. Big oranges on those trees too. I also saw compost heaps. Way good teaching all those little ones about growing plants.

A message over the loud speaker came on... Saying the next train will be stopping on platform 1 and going to..... Not the one I am waiting for though.

Another coal train, extremely squeaky this one. I looked ahead in the distance and I can see it, looked the other way in the distance and it is still coming along. Less squeaky now. Last carriage has just gone on by. Ah much more quiter. But can still see it in the distance on the right of me. It has stopped. Don't no why?

Can here some birds, if I really focus on it.

Ok another speaker message. This one is the train that stops here.

The pasenger train should be here very soon. Then I will walk back up the steps, and walk back home.

Hi Mrs D,

Gently hug to you. Gee I am sorry Mrs D. I don't know what to say about the major truck route going past the front of your place. But I am listening to you.

Are you able to think upon other things maybe. Some things that you find lovely, pure, beautiful at all. Not sure if that will give you a different perspective of things happening in your life. It may. Worth a try.

So much wish I could help you.

Hello dear Shell,

I liked your story regarding sitting at the train station.

Back to your question about the bon fire, it is mainly to burn the extra branches and bits that don't burn well in the wood fire inside. I pile up the rose cuttings and burn them off as well. We usually invite friends over to join us in the sight and heat from the bon fire. Have to wait for it to die down to toast marshmallows.

Yesterday I went for a walk in a different area and enjoyed the scenery, low rolling hills, some sheep, kangaroos and some cattle. I took a few photos while out walking.

Houses are a reasonable price here, just don't know who would want to buy our place with a truck route planned for out the front! No one can tell us yet if it is guaranteed, it is the preferred option though.

I'm trying to not dwell on this situation. Unfortunately noise is a real trigger for me. It frustrates me now when I can't go out in the garden and not be bombarded by continual traffic noise from t he highway at the back of our place. We don't need to be subjected to even more noise with the truck route right out the front as well.

Yes, I do need to find ways to calm myself down!

Cheers to you Shell, hugs form Dools

Community Member
Today I walked partly around a super large lake.

Wish I could give you some calmness Mrs D. Wonder if your body is low in vitamin B's? The dentist person I saw suggested I take a complex vitamin B. Think it can help us not be so stressed about things.

It's great you went for a walk

Sorry Dools about the truck route. It sounds very difficult.

Thanks Shell for your lovely descriptions of your walks. They are inspiring. I haven't written much lately as I've been struggling with various challenges.

Today we are in lockdown so unable to see anyone. Exercise is restricted to within 5 km of home for 2 hrs max. We walked along the bike path past the library. Rather than returning back the same way we headed past a bowl club and then wound our way back through some back streets we never use. The area is quite steep so there are interesting houses and gardens. One street was lined with large trees turning gold in the cool weather. One street was quite steep but when we turned around you could see across the metropolitan area to the city in the distance with the clouds in the blue sky above. One house had the family working in the front garden. I commented to the husband how beautiful his flowers looked. He seemed happy that I noticed. Later I saw my favourite garden. Tt was a very steep garden with the 2 story brick house perched at the top. Massive rocks were placed throughout the steep garden to hold the soil in place. Plants spilt over the rocks. Steps curved up the centre of the front garden to the house. The steps were made of weathered sleepers back filled with dark grey concrete. The weathered sleepers blended in beautifully with the rock garden and the smooth concrete made the steps practical. Next door the garden had a series of camellias with different coloured flowers. One od my favourite plants!!