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Walking Shoes - Walking and Other Exercise

Community Member

Hey to anyone reading this.

Last night I had an idea about starting a new thread about exercise especially walking. I am aware that walking is very beneficial for our mental, emotional and physical well being. And by actually doing it....well it can make a huge difference to how we cope with the storms that we face in life.

OK, I am not real good at disciplining myself to walk, and have to really push myself to do it. And sometimes it is even hard to leave this bedroom. Anyway I am not a beginner walker, as I have stuck to sort of a plan before. So I know that it does make me feel somewhat better. But I only stayed on the plan for a couple of months, then gave up.....for whatever reason. So here I am again wanting desperately to not fail this time.

So I guess this thread is for anyone that does walk, anyone that is struggling to walk because of depression or anxiety issues. And anyone else really......

I am unsure of the outcome of all this. But my ideas included: Sharing about things we have found out about exercise especially about walking. Writing down the reasons that one would chose to walk ( like something to help motivate). Being accountable in same way. Sharing about the places where we actually do walk, like the beach, gym, around the block, with the dog, out to the clothesline and back. And any other useful tips that could help others. So here we go......


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Good on you Rose for occasional walking inside and on the long flat driveway. I am sorry to you and Elizabeth about the challenge of all the current restrictions in Victoria. It is not easy for some people.

Hi Shelll

In touch based to see how you are. Hopefully feeling better:)

Still no walkies for me. I'm in the "can't be bothered for anything" lately as well. At times I do need push my self very hard to keep going with positive thoughts why it's worth it.

Dear Elizabeth so did you feel better after your "angry walk?" I haven't been angry with anything or anyone over 20 years now. It has great benefits to keep it under control. Life is too short to get angry of something you can't control. Being in control of myself beings me joy though suffering a mental health issue. Walking does different things to different people.

Kind regards. The Rose

Hi Shelll.. not much of a story teller yet finally did a couple of walkies around my kitchen table yesterday. Whilst walking I try to make it a bit exciting by doing a few stretches with my arms up in the air so by the time that's done I can feel my body cire more flexible & relaxed.

That's when I stop by continuing on touching my toes, then hands flat to the floor. I've done this type to stretching all my life. Can feel the back muscles pull gradually yet feels great. After that, I usually finish off by doing an deep breathing exercise so every part of my body feels in total relaxation. It really refreshes my whole mind & body. That was an exercise I learnt from an very early age. It's so simple. Just standing in 1 position concentrating just on the breathing. Great for anxiety attacks. Has a real calming affect & feel refreshed.

Hope you're getting out of the "can't be bothered" feeling.. not a nice time. Take care. the Rose

Ah that is really good Rose. You are insipring me to get out and move. I am still in the "I cannot be bothered mode". I seem to be really struggling with this at the moment.

I could visualise someone walking around a table, then touching their toes, then laying there hands flat on the floor. Are you pretty flexible then? And I found myself practicing deep breathing just as I was writing this. Most likely because of your inspiring description.

Anyway you are doing Rose.


Community Member

I finally got myself out for a walk today. It properly made it easier going with my sister.

We walked in that beautiful historical town again. I don't remember a huge amount of my surroundings because we do chat a lot. Which often feels good as well. Healing I guess. And she is good company.

I did notice the crepe myrtle tree as my sister pointed it out. It had no leaves on it. The trunk was very beautiful, soft looking with different shades of light browns. We walked down the main street, with some shops shutting up for the day.

The curb and gutters around here are beautiful, I have always liked them. Constructed from rock. I am pretty sure they were laid by convicts.

We walked past the old timber bridge. It's one of those ones if you drive over it, it sort of clunks. It has much character to it. I am uncertain how far down we walked. But somehow I found myself and my sister walking up the parallel street. Maybe I just wasn't with it, so did not noticed crossing the road even.

Anyway we chatted and walked up this street. At the end were two boys perhaps around 10 years old. They had just came back from the river, and were carrying 2 small canoes somehow on this bike or maybe it was something else with wheels. My sister chatted to them for a bit. She is often like that. It's nice.

We ended this walk back down in the car park where how cars were.

I am glad I walked and had the opportunity to catch up with my sister again

Sorry you aren't doing well Shell,

Rose good on you for doing your exercises at home.

Today I took my husband for a bushwalk. We are trying to do it each week to regain skills & fitness he has lost. We can't do really long walks & have to take it slower than we would like while he builds up strength. I go on google maps each weak & look at the bushland near us (obviously with lockdown we can't go far & some popular places are closed) I pick a different place each time. Today ended up on top of a hill with views of the city in the distance across miles of suburbia but lovely bushy hills around us. We stick to mid week & routes I haven't heard of before because that means others don't know them either. We don't mind passing the dd person but want to keep our distance. With the rates of corona virus in Vic we don't want to take risks.

Thankyou Elizabeth, I will be okay. I managed to ride my bike around the block. Just got back actually. It was a lot more challenging then I remember. The tops of my legs are achy and I got out of breathe pedaling even up a small incline. I am definitely not as fit or have as much energy as before. But I am glad I pushed myself to go. The fresh air was heavenly.

You get to discover a few new routes then Elizabeth. Glad you are still getting out some.

Hey Rose, I noticed your name is not there anymore. I am sorry if this thread sort of is pretty quite. I am having an awful thought you may not have felt welcomed or cared about on here. Please will you forgive me?

I so hope you are getting on okay there with all the lockdowns and such.

Went for a walk this afternoon. Nice weather but found I became short of breath wearing a mask particularly climbing steps & the steep hill. Unsure how to manage.

Yeah I am unsure how you can manage better wearing one of those masks. Is there any other types? But at least you did actually walk and manage to do that