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Thank you Community Champions

Community Champion
Community Champion
Dear Community Champions,
I would like to offer you all my sincerest thanks and tell you of my admiration. Now at Christmas it seems the appropriate time to do so.

I joined the forums a couple of years ago, knowing nothing about bb and just expecting to have a quick browse.

The quality of your efforts to assist, the breadth of your knowledge, the empathy and caring you display and your tenacity to keep going no matter how difficult a post may be to answer have been a source of information, comfort and inspiration to me, and I’m sure to a multitude of others.

You started out as vague names and avatars, but over time it has become obvious that you are human - and have your own problems with which to deal, despite which you lead others.

You were and continue to be a real and enduring help.

I hope this Christmas is one you can look back on with fondness.


December 25, 2016
12 Replies 12

Community Champion
Community Champion

Dear Starwolf~

It contributes to turning negativity into its opposite...and so makes sense of otherwise pointless suffering.

I really like that, it makes complete sense and as far as I can see typifies the way this organization operates.

May you have the best of Christmases


Community Member
Here, here! The fact that so many of you have taken time out on Christmas Day to volunteer your support for others is just indicative of how generous and wonderful you all are!

Blue Voices Member
Blue Voices Member

Just want you all to know how so very appreciated you all are.

Respect's earnt & you have mine as does BB

I've been feeling the gentle wings & guidance, read many of your posts, you blow me out of the water

Thankyou from a very deep place. This wouldn't be half the amazing place it is without you all this includes other people involved here
So grateful

Peace good people