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Summer Solstice and sleep disturbances

Community Member

I am an insomniac and despite all my sleep tricks (music, total darkness, grounding exercises and sleeping pills) I was still awake until 6am. For no reason. I was very tired and wanted to sleep but nothing helped. The earlier it got the more anxious I got the less sleep I got.

I have issues with daylight savings and seasonal affective disorder so I’m wondering if last night’s lack of sleep was the Summer Solstice. Does anyone else get affected by stuff like weather and time changes?

1 Reply 1

Champion Alumni
Champion Alumni
hi Tasa, when I was young I loved daylight saving, now as I'm older I not like it that much, the same applies to summer I used to love now I also dislike it just like winter, but know to adjust to these hours is not easy and when you finally do, then it changes back to normal time.
There will other people who have the same problem as you do and will reply back to you, but given it is only early, please allow them some time. Geoff.